Safety in our schools

A random raid conducted at the Tutorial High School, Woolford Avenue, Georgetown on Thursday by Welfare Department of the Education Ministry in collaboration with the Guyana Police Force has led to the confiscation of prohibited, dangerous items and potential weapons.
This is not the first time such a raid is being conducted. In the past we have seen toy guns, knife among other weapons being confiscated in such exercises.
We have seen this collaboration between the GPF and the Education Ministry on several occasions, where random searches are being conducted at schools.
In some schools in the USA, metal detectors are common, as sometimes is the presence of a Police patrol on the outskirts. Some may be tempted to ask why this is so in a country that is rich and is the bastion of freedom and democracy. Others may counter that exactly because of what the country represents, it can afford to have such mechanisms in place. The answer basically lies in trying to curb violence in schools.
While the measures may appear to some as extreme, given what unfortunately happened in the past, when lives were senselessly lost to bullets, they may be deemed inadequate. After all, it has not stopped. Other menaces are bullying and gang-related violence. These are the harsh realities in some institutions of learning there, with an obvious negative impact on the student population involved.
It is not confined there, and is prevalent in many other places.
An important aspect of the Education Ministry’s collaboration with the Police is that the partnership involves discussion on topics of violence, crime committed at schools, gang fighting, offensive weapons, and significantly, consequences.
Who would have thought that in the process of getting an education here in Guyana, safety in schools is becoming a primary concern? With the threats in question, it seems rightfully so.
In Guyana, we have seen several teachers being beaten by parents, and also, in the past, there were several cases wherein students fought their teachers. Over time, there were other reports of students being stabbed by others, or hurt by other means. Bullying, which is just another form of abuse, and even violence, were reported to be highly prevalent in many schools. In one instance, a fight among St Joseph High School students, which went viral on social media, is a good example of violence in schools.
Those represent reported cases, as the understanding is that many cases are unreported out of fear of repercussion.
Solace must not be taken in living in a changing world. Violence over the years, and its extensive coverage through the media, has led to seeming immunity to the gory images, and now makes for casual reading.
This must not be allowed to slip into the mindsets of students and teachers. They must be free from such psychological stress, and be able to focus on learning to build much-needed capacity for the future of the country. All have an integral role to play in helping to repel this scourge.
While there may be compelling arguments over what may be the reasons perpetrators act the way they do, and the spread of violence, immediate mitigating measures have to be derived and implemented.
Police random searches, while a potential deterrent, may not be enough in the long term, as sustainability could become an issue.
Many have argued that parents and guardians need to be more involved and aware of what their children are doing, keeping an eye on any possible worrying signs. While that could still be effective in many ways, there is a challenge as the child approaches adulthood. At that stage, one’s space and privacy could present barriers. There are also social factors that contribute to disallowing such necessary intervention to some extent. That further complicates an already complicated situation.
We agree with President Dr Irfaan Ali as we did before that there is a pressing need for systematic intervention in addressing the behavioural conduct of youths in schools.
He added that what was critically needed in Guyana is to have value assessment. A good start has been had suggested is a presidential commission to conduct a value assessment of the investment in our children.