Salesman takes fatal plunge as friends think he is pranking
A salesman working with A Ally and Sons died hours after being pulled from a canal in which he took a fatal plunge on Sunday.
Dead is 22-year-old Jerome Andrews of Edinburgh Village, East Bank Berbice (EBB), Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).
He and a group of friends went for a swim on Sunday afternoon on the East Bank of Berbice and according to reports when they got to the canal at “Sixth Bridge” – situated several miles into a cane field, Andrews reportedly told his friends that the canal was shallow at one end and he was going to the other end to plunge in.
Guyana Times was told the friends saw him plunge in and about five minutes after not seeing him resurface, they were not worried since he had previously played similar tricks on them. In that instance, he had them searching for him beneath the water while he hid in a clump of the bushes. It was because of this, the friends claimed that they did not immediately go in search of him. They said that he was a very good swimmer. However, after he did not resurface, they were about to go in search of him when they saw bubbles coming from beneath the water. However, he was found moments later and he was reportedly still breathing. Some of his friends tried to resuscitate him by performing CPR.
After not getting the desired response, Andrews was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where medical personnel also tried to resuscitate him.
A CT scan revealed that Andrews was brain-dead. Nevertheless, he was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital on Sunday evening. Andrews died on Monday morning. The Police have since been notified and an investigation has been launched.