“Santa’s Enchanted Christmas Village” for December 8-9

It’s that time of the year!!! The festive season is drawing close, and to start the excitement, Banks DIH is once again hosting its “Santa’s Enchanted Christmas Village”. The two-day affair is set for December 8 and 9 at Demerara Park, Georgetown.
It will be a time for entertaining games, storytelling, face painting, bouncy castles and trampolines among other activities. In addition, there will be several cartoon characters on hand to make sure kids have a grand time.
The main attraction, however, will be Santa Claus and his helpers who will be distributing gifts and goodies to the boys and girls who turn up at the event. It will indeed ‘the most wonderful time of the year’.
Tickets for adults and children over 12 years old are $500. Children can also pay $500 and receive a gift from Santa Claus. Ticket can be picked up at Qik Serv, Sheriff Street, Georgetown; Caesar’s Palace, D’Urban and Hardina Streets, Georgetown; and at the Main Street Qik Serv.
The gates to the Enchanted Village open at 15:00h on both days.