Savina Sukhnandan launches natural & organic skincare products to tackle skin pigmentation disorder

As the beauty industry keeps growing, it can be vividly seen that consumers are willing to pay almost anything to look attractive.
Natural and organic skincare items are among the most popularly purchased beauty products in the world. And now 29-year-old Savina Sukhnandan of New Road, Charity, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) has grabbed the opportunity to open her own natural and organic beauty product business, which creates one hundred percent satisfaction for customers.

Savina Sukhnandan with her children

After giving birth to her son Aiden Sukhnandan and daughter Liliana Sukhnandan, Savina Sukhnandan saw that her skin had a lot of dark spots, stretch marks, and other pigmentations that she considered looking ‘terrible’, and she developed low self-esteem.
She decided to research natural remedies to get rid of hyperpigmentation from the skin, and made a finished product of several natural skincare treatments that would enhance beauty and skin appearance. She now owns and operates “Lilly’s Organic”, named after her daughter, because she wants to create a legacy and cut the tradition where businesses and properties are only passed on to sons.

The products made by the young entrepreneur

The young entrepreneur launched her business on April 8, 2022 after she saw great changes in her skin tone come about after using the products made by her hands. Sukhnandan is currently working on growing her business, so that it can become a household name in the future.
In a recent interview with Sunday Times, Sukhnandan revealed that after browsing the internet and watching several YouTube videos, she came across ‘Carrot Oil’ as a homemade natural remedy that would even skin tone. She then decided to gather her carrots and other ingredients needed to make the finished product, which came out successful.

“One day I decided to do some research to see if I can make something homemade to use on my skin, and I came across carrot oil. So, I followed the recipe online and I made it…After two weeks of using it, I began to see positive changes in my skin appearance, and my hyperpigmentation was fading. After a month of use, my skin was looking so amazing and I was glowing from within,” the entrepreneur disclosed.
Using pure organic ingredients in her skincare line, and seeing positive changes, the young entrepreneur has incorporated exotic herbal remedies using orange peels, hibiscus, rosemary, carrots, turmeric and essential oils to create glowing skincare products.
Her skin enhancement remedies have motivated the young woman to make another product, and she chose to put together turmeric, sugar and other ingredients to make a face and body scrub. The famous face and body scrub is best used for treating dark spots, hyperpigmentation, sunburns and eczema, and is best paired with carrot oil to produce a natural skin glow.
“When I made the turmeric scrub, it didn’t come out as expected at first, because I was using the wrong turmeric powder and it stained my skin for days… I did some more research and learned about the cosmetic grade of turmeric, and after making, it came out better than the first,” she said.
Sukhnandan explained that her friends and family members noticed her skin change from spotted black to fair, smooth, healthy and glowing skin, and all were eager to know what were her products. The young woman added that she was very excited to introduce them to her natural remedies that give her skin a perfect look.
“After they used the product, they experienced a great change in their skin. So, I would use their reviews to know how to improve the products I created… I then created two more products: Brazilian scrub and orange peel oil, after discovering an ancient article about the anti-aging properties in these ingredients.” Sukhnandan said.
Sukhnandan decided to market her products, so she made five pieces of her natural and organic products and sold them to her friends who are salon owners.
“They used the products and I got great feedback from them…. They also encouraged me to open a small business, make and advertise my products, and sell to persons who are interested in my natural products. I was hesitant at first, because I know there are a lot of organic skin care product lines out there,” she said, while adding that her husband Balram Sukhnandan, the owner of Platinum Group, is her biggest supporter, who in the first place encouraged her to take up the challenge and open her own business.
She explained that she started by making ten products, which she sold them to several locations on the Essequibo Coast, such as New Road, Glanz Beaute Studio, Roshini Hair Salon, and Sony’s Cosmetics; and she also offered delivery to Georgetown. She added that currently she has ten products, which include 2 scrubs, 2 oils, 2 creams, 1 body butter, 1 hair oil, 1 hair mask, and 1 yoni.
Speaking about the challenges she faces in her business, Sukhnandan said that getting customers to buy her products is very difficult, so most of her time is spent on advertising and encouraging people to purchase her products, and look attractive with glowing skin in two weeks.
“A lot of persons were hesitant because of (the products) being locally made, and also to find some of the ingredients here in Essequibo to make the products. Some of my ingredients are from right here in my area, (from other) women-owned businesses, and the others I have to import or buy from Georgetown,” she explained.
When the young entrepreneur was asked what motivates her the most, she answered that she always wanted to do something on her own, and she achieved her business; and she also wanted to be able to stand on her own feet and have her own identity besides being a perfect mom and wife.
“I want my kids to grow up with understanding, so that they will know that you have to work hard for what you want, and I want them to see both of their parents working so that they can grow up knowing that you have to work to be successful. Lily’s Organic is very dear to me, as the products are crafted to treat skin problems that I have, like dark spots, hyperpigmentation, acne-prone skin, sunburn, and more… I intend to create products for women or men with these conditions at the best quality and affordable cost,” she related.
She also said that her ingredients are of the highest quality, and that all ingredients are naturally produced by plants. Sukhnandan believes that healthy, glowing skin can be achieved without using harmful chemicals that can cause irreversible damage to customers’ skin in the future.