School of the Nations students visit Canada to learn about robotics

The School of Nations has purchased more than US$1200 worth of equipment with the aim of developing a robotics club.
Prior to this initiative, a number of students from the institution travelled to Canada last February to participate in a Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) course at the London International Academy (LIA).
At this event, the Nations team took part in the LIA’s First Robotic Competition (FRC) team’s robot, where a robot similar to a forklift was constructed. The students gained firsthand knowledge about ideas and skills that are needed in the robotics world. They also experienced situations that may arise when constructing robots while being taught to think outside of the box.
At the end of the programme, the students were presented with certificates and a three-dimensional (3D) printer. The institution is now hoping that they can successfully establish a functional robotics team after this experience.