Thousands of Seventh-day Adventist members from across the country, over the weekend, gathered at the National Park, Georgetown, to celebrate 65 years of Pathfindering in Guyana.
The event coincided with Global Pathfinder Day, celebrated among Adventists worldwide. Some 3000 Master Guides, Pathfinders and Adventurers were invested in their respective classes as they completed their programmes.
The Investiture Programme, according to the Youth Director of the Guyana Conference, Pastor Marvin Smith, was to “reflect on how far and how large the church has come from and grown over the past 65 years, and to celebrate the work and achievements of Adventist Youths across the Local Conference”. He also reiterated that the Pathfinder Club has been and continues to make a significant contribution in the Guyanese society as it relates to mission, service and community development.
The theme of the celebration “created with purpose” was emphasised by the speaker, President of the Guyana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Pastor Exton Clarke, at Saturday’s gathering. “Purpose determines how we live in society; how we respond to needs; how we respond to challenges and what influences our actions and activities. We are of the conviction that our young people, as long as they are connected with God, he plants that purpose in their lives and the Pathfinder programme helps to inspire young people to realise that purpose.”
The celebration continued on Sunday with a grand parade which started at the Jubilee Square and ended at the National Park where Master Guides, Pathfinders and Adventurers displayed their para-military training through the streets of Georgetown. At the National Park, the programme included a drill display, a fair and other events that showcased the works of the various clubs within the organisation.
“The Adventist church in 2017 celebrated 130 years of Adventism in Guyana, and the Youth Department, an arm of the church, features activities to meet the needs of youth within the churches and society at large. The club is filled with action, adventure, challenge, group activities and provides opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team spirit and a sense of loyalty and respect for God”, stated the Deputy Youth Director, Lennox Jason.