Security… from within 

Your Eyewitness doesn’t think some citizens are paranoid when they express a fear that among the refugees who’ve been pouring across our borders, there might be fifth columnists who could be activated by Mad Maduro in his perfidious plan to recolonise our Essequibo. And let’s make no bones about it, budday – what Mad Maduro is doing is right out of the playbook of the old Spanish Conquistadores, who raped, ravaged and plundered their way across the “new world” Columbus had stumbled upon.
Imagine the gall of the madman to insist that they OWNED the borders of the Spanish Province of “Gran Columbia – named after Columbus – EVEN THOUGH THE DOZENS OF TRIBES OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES LIVING THERE had fought them off!! At least those tribes signed treaties with the Dutch – who treated them as “nations”! And it was those treaties the successor Brits honoured when, at Independence, they included in Annex C that the lands the Indigenous Peoples occupied must be returned to them!! Can the soi-disant, progressive Chavista acolyte, Mad Maduro, say whether any of Venezuela’s Indigenous People have such rights??! Gwan da side, Mad Maduro!!
Now back to those Venezuelan “refugees”. Your Eyewitness placed those scare quotes because he was made aware that not all who leave their country for another and cry “Refugee! Refugee!” is a “refugee”. The dictionary – and international law – is very careful to point out that “Refugees are people who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country.” Many Guyanese who went to Canada and the US during the Burnhamite dictatorship tried to be accepted by the authorities by claiming they were “refugees”, but they had to undergo a process to show they had “fled war, violence, conflict or persecution”!! Or back to Guyana it was!!
And this brings us to devising a mechanism to weed out feared “fifth columnists” from the hordes who’re already here. And those numbers are quite substantial. According to Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, there are about 19,000 Venezuelans here – broken down as follows: “In Region Nine, there are 1348 persons; in Region One, 7671 persons; in Region Two, 3255 persons; in Region Three, 1114 registered migrants; in Region Four, 1215; Region Seven, 4099; and in Region Eight: 80.”
So, in Reg 1, where there were 29,000 Guyanese, they’ve now been joined by 7,771 Venezuelans – TWENTY SEVEN PERCENT!! So, in determining whether they are “migrants” who gotta be approved or “refugees”, they all gotta be vetted!! Among them are enough Venezuelans of Guyanese descent who’d be more than willing to finger Maduro’s plants, if any!!
It wouldn’t be snitching; just vetting!!

…with big brother?
An interesting debate has exploded among the chattering class: whether Guyana should ask the US to have a military base in our Essequibo – to hold of marauding Mad Maduro. Evidently, that would be violating some commitment we’re supposed to have made towards the Caribbean as a “Zone of Peace”!! Can you believe this?? Here it is that Mad Maduro hasn’t only gone ahead and done what most thought he wouldn’t – tell the World Court to buzz off – but he has gone ahead with his de facto annexation of two-thirds of our national territory!! Didn’t that just blow whatever “Zone of Peace” we had in the Caribbean clear out of the water??
Your Eyewitness sees this as telling a girl who’s been stalked by a lecher for a decade that she mustn’t scream – even as he’s running behind her in a dark alley!! So, the girl should be worried about waking up the neighbourhood?? Hell!! She SHOULD be waking up the neighbourhood!! And anyone who complains of losing sleep should be walloped!!

…for tomorrow
The Venezuelans have been holding the legendary sword of Damocles over our heads for 61 years!! While we wait another two for the World Court to remove it, let’s give Mad Maduro a bloody nose.
Send out Ramjattan’s drones with payloads!!