Security guard hacked to death by drunken

A 13 year abusive marriage ended tragically Wednesday evening after a member of a Community Policing Group hacked his wife to death while injuring her cousin at Mahaica, East Coast Demerara.

Candacy Pitt, 31, also called “Cindy” of Chelsea Park, Mahaica, ECD, was chopped several times to the body by her husband, Althone Pitt, 41, who subsequently surrendered to ranks at the Mahaica Police Station with the

Candacy Pitt and her husband Althone Pitt in happier times
Candacy Pitt and her husband Althone Pitt in happier times
Injured: Brenda Thomas
Injured: Brenda Thomas

murder weapon in his possession.

Pitt died on the spot while her cousin, Brenda Thomas, 54, who was also chopped twice by the attacker was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital.

According to information, Pitt and Thomas are attached to the Home Safe Security Firm and were at the time stationed at Bygeval Secondary School.

The suspect turned up at his wife’s place of employment (school) and requested to meet her at about 21:45h on Wednesday. He was reportedly under the influence of alcohol.

Thomas however, based on previous threats, refused to give him access and it was then he carried out the gruesome attack. He first dealt two blows to Thomas and then proceeded to chop his wife who was in the guard hut.

His wife reportedly ran out in an attempt to escape but due to her injuries she collapsed a short distance away. The man went after her and continued to chop the woman until she died.

After committing the act, he turned up at the Mahaica Police Station where he confessed to the murder and handed over the weapon.

At the home of the dead woman, her mother, Yvonne Andrews was inconsolable while flanked by family.

She recalled that her son-in-law was consuming alcohol in the village all day Wednesday and was heard telling people he did not want his wife to work as a guard.

The woman started to work with Home Safe Security Firm six weeks ago.

“He nah wuk… he ah drink the rum… she get a lil wuk, she want money to maintain she self”. The mother recalled that on the faithfull night, her daughter was visiting.

Soon after, there was a power failure and she heard the suspect calling for his wife but she instructed her not to answer. After sometime, and he did not get a response, he left.

After meh know he gone, meh call she cousin who does wuk with she to come collect she but the cousin de done left to go to the school”. Nevertheless, Pitt’s father, who had just arrived home, accompanied her to the school where she met Thomas.

Upon her husband’s return home, Andrews noted that he was confronted by the suspect who claimed that he was going to his brother’s place. At that time, the aggrieved mother saw the cutlass in his hands but did not know his intentions.

“Meh daughter and she cousin went in the guard house and bin ah put up cardboard because de rain de falling… He chop Brenda fuss – one on she belly, one on she back and one on she finger. Then Brenda run way and then he attack Cindy… He chop she then he turnover she and finish she off, dah ah wah meh hear”.

In tears the woman stated that she received a call from Thomas’ daughter informing her that her daughter was dead. She immediately ran to the school where she saw her daughter’s bloodied body lying in a pool of water and mud.

As she attempted to lift her daughter, she realised that her head was almost severed and her body bore several wounds. She noted that her daughter did not deserve such a horrific death.

As she continued, the devastated mother told Guyana Times that the man would normally threaten her daughter but she always passed it off as a joke and never reported it.

At the home of Thomas, her son Joel told Guyana Times he was asleep when he heard his mother calling for help. In a panic, he rushed out to check on his mother but the front door would not open, forcing him to jump from the veranda. As he looked as his mother, she was bleeding from her abdomen and immediately summoned a taxi and took her to the Mahaicony Hospital but she was subsequently transferred.

On their way to the hospital she told him what had transpired. In shock, he noted that he was not surprised at the man’s action, claiming that he had previously threatened his mother.

He was relieved to disclose that his mother is in a stable condition.

Meanwhile, at the scene, several of the woman’s colleagues expressed sadness upon hearing the devastating news. The now dead woman was described as an easy-going person with a lot of potential.

One woman, Millicent Craig, told Guyana Times that the man would frequently visit the woman’s workplace with a cutlass and would carry out threats. The now dead woman was urged to make an official complaint to the police but she never did.

Pitt leaves to mourn her parents and two siblings.

Her murderer, her husband of 13 years, is expected to be charged shortly. (Bhisham Mohamed)