Security officer confesses to stealing revolver, matching ammo from PGS

A security officer attached to the Professional Guard Service (PGS) was on Saturday arrested for stealing a firearm and several rounds of ammunition belonging to the security firm.

Security Officer
Horace Thomside

Based on reports received, Alton Mars, a driver who also works at the same company, reportedly signed and collected eight .38 revolvers and two shotguns from the duty officer on Friday morning after which he placed them under the mat in the front passenger seat of the motor car he was driving.
He then proceeded to Pradoville at Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD), where he picked up Horace Thomside of Adelaide Street, Charlestown, to take him to his workstation at Saffon Street, Charlestown, but instead, he ended up at Case Diamond located on East Street, Georgetown, where he issued a .38 revolver to a guard on duty.
He along with Thomside then travelled to New Building Society (NBS) and Caribbean Airlines on Avenue of the Republic where again, he issued one revolver each to the guards on duty at the two sites.
The driver then drove to Saffon and Broad Streets, Georgetown, where he dropped off Thomside and issued him with a .38 revolver.
According to the Police, Mars then went to another site, this time in Agricola, Greater Georgetown, to issue another .38 to a guard but on checking, he discovered that a .38 revolver and five rounds of ammunition were missing.
As such, he immediately contacted the duty officer and informed her of the missing firearm. This prompted an investigation during which several checks were made at the various worksites where Mars had made drop-offs during the morning session but the firearm and ammunition were not located.
However, the matter was reported to the Police, thus resulting in the arrest of both the driver and Thomside on Saturday.
During interrogation, Thomside admitted to stealing the firearm and hiding it under his bed. He reportedly took the Police to his home in Charlestown where the firearm and five marching rounds of ammunition were found wrapped in a sock hidden under the bed.
Thomside was told of the offence committed and was taken into custody. He is expected to make his court appearance during the week.