Seeking approval from persons who refuse to vacate office

Dear Editor,
Over the past couple of days, there was so much to laugh at as it regards the recount situation. The first underrated comical piece was the dossier that was well circulated on social media platforms. The dossier can be explained in a short and simple way with a one-word description; hilarious. I’m sure many colleagues and different persons would have found much more suitable adjectives for the piece, that was definitely written by a comedian. Then, fast forward to the scanty email from the Chairperson of GECOM – sometimes I wonder if she is employed by Comedy Central. At a time when our nation desperately awaits the urgent recount, we need more information and all we got out of said email “no more than 10 working stations”. We already know since the successful passage of the No-Confidence Motion in the year 2018, those big wigs have number, counting and comprehension issues! Her email also stated that she will await further instruction from the nagamatics! Nagamatics man is the Prime Minister who is heading the Task Force for COVID-19! A man that basically did absolutely squat/zilch/ nothing of substance during his tenure for the people of Guyana is heading a Task Force. His instructions/suggestions via his weekly column state that observers that are entering the country must be quarantined at a Government facility for 14 days! While I understand that COVID-19 is life-threatening, I also understand that observers must play an integral role in the recount, there are other ways to go about this, screening before boarding the flight, screening midflight, and when they disembark. I do see this matter of a recount as one of the most urgent matters in Guyana and it should be on the level of the COVID-19. I must add that I’m shocked we have to seek approval from one of those persons who refuse to vacate office. However, this is what Guyanese signed up for when they cast their vote for the change of gloom and doom in 2015!
As a side note, I hope we all remain healthy and safe throughout this pandemic as we are now at 65 cases! Stay safe!

Katrina Niamatali