Dear Editor,
Whatever happened to self-improvement in this country? I’m tired of hearing of domestic violence, murder, and illicit love affairs having gone wrong. The power of now should be used wisely; people need to look at themselves twice in today’s society.
While I was coming home from work, the radio announcer said, “We should focus on ourselves ninety-five percent of the time, since our life matters the most. Get up and start giving yourself self-love.”
I have read many self-improvement books, and each one has a significant lesson.
Digging a bit deeper into things can answer a lot of life’s questions; practice makes perfect; and no matter the obstacle, one should not give up. These positive affirmations are good for the mind. You should keep having positive affirmations for yourself.
The self-improvement books encourage people to not just be good, but be great. Using atomic habits is a great way of improving one’s lifestyle.
Atomic habits mean making a positive small change in your life by subtracting a negative activity/influence in your daily routine. I really hope people learn to love themselves more in Guyana.
Yours sincerely,
Aarti Ramgobin