…or self delusion?
Khemraj Ramjattan’s been around the (political) track – and then some. So, he should know by now even though politicians – like used car salesmen – are allowed some amount of “puffery” they have to retain some link with reality. So, why would he follow up his statement from late last year that the AFC is a “powerful voice in Cabinet” with now insisting his party is an “effective partner doing a wonderful job” in government?
“Powerful”? “Wonderful”? Is your Eyewitness inhabiting some alternate universe that Ramjattan? If the AFC were a “powerful voice in Cabinet” could they point to a single policy initiative they pushed and had implemented. The AFC insisted it was not coalescing with APNU because they wanted to maintain their “independent” point of view. So while your Eyewitness understands the notion of “collective ministerial responsibility”, shouldn’t the AFC at least reveal where their power was exercised?
Your Eyewitness remembers the AFC was most adamant about “constitutional change” being needed to construct a political framework that would better deal with Guyana’s political challenges. Whatever happened to the recommendations submitted to PM Moses Nagamootoo (AFC) by the Nigel Hughes (AFC) headed committee? Was it deep-sixed because Prezzie said he didn’t want recommendations from just an elite bunch behind closed doors? Doesn’t look like the AFC was able to exercise much “power” in Cabinet on this issue.
Then there’s the Public Procurement Commission (PPC). The AFC had staked an awful lot of political capital on getting this in place to stop – as they trumpeted when in Opposition – the “incestuous” proclivity of the PPP Cabinet to steer contracts towards their “friends and family”. So how “powerful” or how “effective a partner” were they when it took a year to get the PPC appointed – but it’s still sitting on their hands as Cabinet continues with the old “incestuous” Cabinet “no objection” route?
Why are they part of a Cabinet that has to be “weaned away” from the “incestuous act” as the newly appointed head of the PPC “explained”? When was it they got hooked on “incestuous acts” that the PPC head has to fear they may have health damaging withdrawal symptoms? Or do the AFC Cabinet members take a “principled position” and recuse themselves when this “incest” is taking place? Inquiring minds want to know.
Or is the once and future leader – if he gets away with amending its party’s constitution and its two term limits – simply engaging in a pre-emptive strike against those AFC members who’d insist he was a prophet when he insisted the party would become “dead meat” if it coalesced with the PNC?
Say it ain’t all about “pelf and power”!
…or self-expression?
The military just reiterated its ban on tattoos. NO! Not the military drum roll for the evening roll-call – the needled drawings into the skin that’s become rather de riguer for the young and not so young nowadays. The Army pointed out its ban just affects tattoos that can be seen when the soldier’s wearing military kit. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Well not if the kit includes shorts and vests!!
But this is rather ironic, isn’t it, to those of us who grew up with the Hollywood celluloid depiction of Army and navy types as alpha males with tattoos all over their bodies – especially on their shoulders? Fact of the matter is the US used to allow tattoos once they were hidden by long sleeved shirts or jackets. But more recently, they’ve bowed to reality and accepted tattoos once they’re not on hands, neck or faces – or scatological or racist.
The alternative was depleted ranks! We need those fighting men!
…or self-serving?
In what an awestruck country thought was an act of patriotism, several businessmen plunged into a whirlwind clearing and construction of Jubilee Stadium at D’Urban Park. Millions were spent.
So they should be grateful they’re getting back even half of what they invested, nuh?