Semi-submersible vessel found in Kaituma River

The Guyana Police Force intercepted a semi-submersible vessel in Paiana Creek in Port Kaituma River, North West District on Saturday.
Based on reports received at about 16:35h on the day in question, the police found the grey-coloured vessel that was covered in troolie leaves. In addition, a makeshift camp was found nearby.

The Semi-Submersible vessel found on Saturday

The vessel was subsequently searched and approximately 15 sandbags were discovered, along with about six cases of water. The vessel was escorted to police base as investigations continue.
A few years back, a Self-Propelled Semi-Submersible (SPSS) vessel was found in a secluded area in Region One.
The blue Self-Propelled Semi-Submersible was found by the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) and the Guyana Defence Force’s (GDF) Special Forces, Coast Guard and Air Corps
This was the first time an SPSS was found in Guyana and was built to trans-ship tonnes of narcotics/contraband, smuggled into the country, possibly for onward movement through the northwest coast onto the Trans-Atlantic route.
The craft was already fitted with a diesel engine and steering wheel, navigation and other machinery to deem it serviceable.