Serious crime down by 42% in G Division – Commander
Serious crime in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) and on the Essequibo islands of Wakenaam and Leguan have decreased by 42 per cent.
This is according to Divisional Commander Khali Pareshram. According Pareshram, this is as a result of preventative policing and advanced training ranks received.
Commander Khali Pareshram
During an interview with Guyana Times, the Divisional Commander said that Police presence in various communities has played an integral role in crime fighting. He said that ranks were tasked with visiting communities and interacting with the populace, and based on the walkabouts and the intelligent gathering then operations are planned and executed.
He noted that in 2017 bicycle patrolling was introduced enabling law enforcement ranks to visit communities. This anti-crime strategy assisted in the process and fostered stronger relationships between the Force and residents.
Pareshram said that within the Division there were two major ports of entry namely Supenaam and Charity and as such, high numbers of “stop and searches” were conducted on a regular basis. These operations, the Commander said, have unearthed narcotics and illegal weapons.
According to the Commander, by March 2018, two Police Stations within the district will be equipped with modern ID parade rooms and also rooms for domestic violence cases. Children will also be accommodated in a different room when dealing with domestic violence cases.
Speaking about the challenges in the Region, the commander said that one of the major concerns remained the fact that often times witnesses of crimes were reluctant to give statements to the Police.
He added that another challenge was the lack of street lights especially in the housing schemes. This poses a huge difficulty for ranks to properly execute their work. The Commander is hoping that 2018 be a better year for the Region, and has called for the continued cooperation of residents in the fight against illegal activities. (Indrawattie Natram)