Several persons arrested in bribery, house lot scandal

Minister within the Housing and Water Ministry, Susan Rodrigues

Several persons were arrested by the Guyana Police Force (GPF) in relation to corrupt transactions for the sale and issuance of house lots at the Housing and Water Ministry.
This was disclosed by Minister within the Housing Ministry, Susan Rodrigues in a statement, where she noted that solid evidence was uncovered against staff members and outsiders suspected of conducting illegal transactions.
One of the employees, who was working in an operation with the Police and under her instruction, was instrumental in their arrest. After he was implicated in social media posts of alleged bribery but not a shred of evidence was provided, she shed light on the facts of the investigation.
“His efforts have led to the arrest of several persons. This will no doubt assist the Police to further their investigations. Unfortunately, the reckless and vindictive postings on social media, which prove nothing, has compromised months of tedious investigative work which could have potentially led to more arrests,” Rodrigues expressed.
Over the last few days on social media, there has been an avalanche of allegations levelled against employees of the Housing Ministry. The Minister maintained that she is committed to rooting out corruption and strident steps were taken to work with the Police to address this wherever it exists in the Ministry.
She added that regrettably, members of the public continue to encourage the practice of offering bribes and willingly participate in these illegal transactions.
“When they lose their money without receiving the favours they expected, they take to social media to complain, instead of going to the Police. There is little or nothing we can do with social media postings that bear no evidence,” said Rodrigues.

While eliminating corruption from a Ministry that distributes land was regarded as a ‘near impossible task’, she said it can be reduced significantly with help from law-abiding citizens.
“We cannot do it alone. I am therefore imploring the public to desist from participating in bribery. If you have any information or evidence that can lead to the arrest and conviction of staff members or anyone who claims to have contacts in the Ministry that can assist with land allocation in exchange for money, please report it to the Police or come to my office and I will contact the Police to facilitate a full investigation.”
It was reminded that responding to social media posts that are engineered to create confusion and scandalise the reputation of those at the helm of the Ministry is not feasible.
“My only interest is in exposing the truth and ensuring people face consequences for corruption. The resolve of the Ministry to discharge its mandate of serving the needs of the Guyanese public remains unshaken,” the Minister added.
One day prior to Rodrigues’ statement, the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Bishram Kuppen, denied any corruption in the Ministry and called on the public to provide the necessary evidence so that the Ministry could deal with culprits accordingly.
In fact, he noted that anyone with solid evidence of such corrupt activities is being encouraged to come forward to report the same immediately to the Guyana Police Force, the subject Ministers, or the Permanent Secretary.
That release has unequivocally stated that the Ministry of Housing and Water will not condone any form of unethical behaviour or corruption. The release states, “Any employee who is found to be engaging in corrupt transactions will face serious disciplinary action and also the full force of the law, where appropriate.”
Further, in response to the allegations made, the Ministry has intensified monitoring of the activities in the areas highlighted, in order to ensure that all procedures are strictly followed. Members of the public are also reminded that all applications for house lots are processed directly at the Ministry and its Regional Offices, and by employees so authorised