“Severe” damage to documents, equipment at Finance Ministry

The Finance Ministry has confirmed that there has been severe damage to several documents and equipment after a water main allegedly bust in the building on Sunday.

Soaked boxes with documents

This has resulted in the disruption of all phone services. According to the Ministry, the counter services are suspended until June 11.
A pipe allegedly burst under the second floor which led to flooding of the lower flat of the building on Sunday. This caused water to seep through the ceiling and soak boxes of documents, files, and computers in the lower flat of the Ministry.

Damaged computers

The sudden flooding was on Sunday viewed with much suspicion as it occurred on the very day that the national elections recount was completed and showed that the Opposition – the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) – had won the General and Regional Elections. When Guyana Times visited the Ministry on Sunday, a security guard said “everything under control”. This newspaper was told that no clean-up crew went to the Ministry on Sunday, but rather the water was left to soak the materials.