…Singing for supper
Shameless!! Yes, “shameless” is all we can say about the behaviour of Moses Nagamootoo (after all, this is a family newspaper!) and he played the role of Judas in betraying the tenets of democracy he goes on about. Says he imbibed them at the feet of Cheddi Jagan. It is clear now that Nagamootoo wouldn’t recognise democracy if it crept up and bit him on his backside! All he’ll probably exclaim is “D’a wha’?!”
But then one had to sing for one’s supper, no? And when the supper comes on a platter marked “Prime Minister” then you just don’t sing, you’ll even yodel like you’ve been caponed since short pants! Now right off the bat…after complaining for 28 years about Jagan and the PPP being treated like “Christmas blow-blow” by Forbes Burnham in Parliament, how can he look at himself in the mirror to have his party renege on its prior agreement to the PPP’s “Private Members’ Day”?
As a new lawyer who presumably actually did some studies, he’d know that due process in law, and in politics insist “Auditer et alterem pars” – the “other side” – here the Opposition must be heard. To only allow the PPP to speak FOUR times since the APNU/AFC slid into government is obscene. The rules of the House specify that one out of four sittings must be given over to Member’s business. And this week was it.
And what motion did Nagamootoo move to move aside the PPP’s motions on the Public Service CoI, the D’Urban Park boondoggle, and the Parking Meter rape of Georgetown? To commend President Granger’s last speech to parliament!!! And how did he justify this? Well, said the PM in his carefully modulated oleaginous voice (to hide his class origins?) the six times the President came to explain his business to the National Assembly was “historic”.
Really? Well did Nagamootoo ever think that by THE CONSTITUTION, the Prime Minister is the Executive President’s representative in the National Assembly? And that apart from the ceremonial opening speech, the previous Executive Presidents had confidence in their PMs to REPRESENT them!! Does Nagamootoo realise that Prezzie has just stripped him of another “power”?? What’s left now? Bossing his shill?
But Nagamootoo outdid himself with his Uriah Heep’s performance. (Remember him from David Copperfield? …notable for his cloying humility, obsequiousness, and insincerity, making frequent references to his own “humbleness”. Nagamootoo’s name will now become synonymous with being a sycophant.)
After all his fulminations as a PPP executive during the violent excesses by the Buxton Gang in what Prezzie called “The Troubles”, how could he now blame it all on the PPP?
Yodeling for his supper?
How can we Guyanese allow this eyepass to pass? This most shameless episode in our history proves we are invertebrates – a people without backbone. Your Eyewitness is, of course, kvetching about the City Hall Gang of Four and their partners in crime proceeding blithely ahead to rape us whenever we visit Georgetown. We’re now told that the meters will be installed by “mid-December”.
Obviously this is to shake down the biggest shopping period of the year – Christmas – when folks as far away as Crabwood Creek come into Georgetown for some shopping. These carpetbaggers obviously want to recoup their investment before New Year’s Day! And after all the govt’s posturing all the City’s getting is a measly 20% of the revenues. We know mucho dinero passed under tables as far afield as Panama City and Bogota…so the Smart City fellas have to recoup more than their investment in equipment!!
What to do? Hire the winners of the Hackaton to crash the Parking Meter system!!
…party paramountcy
Minister of State in the Presidency valiantly tried to head off condemnations of party paramountcy redux, by denying folks would meet ministers at Congress Place. But Oscar put him in his place. He bit him “right dey!!”
And there followed Minister Norton, taking supplications in PNC Headquarters!!