Shields and Dindnauth win LGC Greensome and Barbeque golf tournament

…LGC PRO grateful to sponsors for major support

After many years of absence, the Lusignan Golf Club hosted a Greensome and Barbeque on Sunday August 6, 2023. The event featured a Better Ball two-man scramble tournament, which saw a total of fifty (52) players turning out and a raffle drawing.
The tournament marks the first of many, as the May-June rainy season had hampered the normal flow of golf. The results for the tournament were as follows:
● 1st Hilbert Shields and Mohanlall Dindnauth (HC 3, Gross 36, Net 33)
● 2nd Bholoram Deo and Vijay Deo (HC 3, Gross 36, Net 33)
● 3rd Anasha Ally and Sam Harry winning via countback (HC 4, Gross 38, Net 34)
● Nearest to pin – Rabindra Persaud
● Longest Drive – Mark Thomas
● Best Dressed Golfers – Troy Cadogan and Ryan Joseph
● Honest Players – Miguel Yunes and Norma Yunes
First-place winners received cellphones compliments of GTT; second-place winners received gift hampers from Banks DIH; third-place winners received a gift basket from Ansa McAL; Longest Drive and Nearest-to-pin winners received gloves; and Best Dressed and Honest Players received ball sleeves.
At the raffle drawing, some of the winners were Anasha Ally, Jason Clarke, Jason Fraser, Miguel Yunis, Arnol Deo, etc. Some of the sponsored prizes won were 3 gift hampers from Banks DIH, 3 gift baskets from Ansa McAL, 1 cell phone from GTT, 5 dinner vouchers for 4 persons at OMG from Banks DIH (one voucher caters for four persons), 1 gift voucher from Amici Restaurant, 1 gift voucher for 4 persons from Froggy’s Restaurant, 1 champagne from Oasis Café, and 2 tours to the Essequibo River from Odyssey Site Seeing.

The winners’ row

Speaking on behalf of the club was PRO Paton George, who said, “The Greensome and Barbeque tournament turned out to be everything we would have hoped for. The course is in excellent condition, as the guests gave positive comments. This was made possible by the ground staff who brought the course back after the rainy season. If there is any kind of drought, we also have to look at that aspect, so we have our ears to the ground and our eyes open as we are aware of all the elements that can affect the conditions of the golf club. In addition to the festivities, we had a raffle drawing in which prizes were contributed from many of our major sponsors, such as Banks DIH, Froggy’s Restaurant, Ansa McAL, Silvie’s General Store, GTT, Odessa’s Tour, Amici, Oasis Cafe and the members and staff of LGC.”
The LGC PRO also noted that the event was also great for the children, as it showed great diversity, representative of Guyana. He noted that the tournament reflects the club, as it was community-based, where everyone across Guyana was able to participate. “There were a lot of expats and Guyanese mingling. One of the special things that happened was the presence of María Belén Francesena and Mateo Pinto of Argentina. The couple embarked on a cycling journey across South America some two-and-a-half years ago, making their way to Guyana just last month. It was a definite privilege to have them at the club,” George shared.
George further explained that due to the successful nature of the event, the club is seeking to make it a regular spectacle. “We want to encourage families and children to come out and participate. You do not have to be a member to play at the LGC; anyone is welcome. We want everyone to be aware that the golf club is open, we are family-oriented, any day of the week you can come out and have a coaching session, or just to come and enjoy the atmosphere of the club. We welcome everyone with open arms,” George posited.