Shocked and disappointed

Dear Editor,
Though I have read in the newspapers of multiple reports of the perverse and plenteous acts of nepotism and cronyism within the Georgetown Municipality, I was nonetheless shocked and disappointed to observe a few days ago whilst shopping at the Bourda Market, that one of the newly built stalls located at the corners of Regent Street and Orange Walk is painted in a luminous green, in fact the first one at the corner which sells stationery and office supplies, is possessed and controlled by the son of a very senior administrative officer at the Mayor and City Council of the City of Georgetown.
How could the Council build stalls using the citizens’ money, on the reserve where goods used to be loaded and off loaded, much to the inconvenience of the legitimate stall holders inside the market, then turn around and gift them to the relatives of senior officers?
With such wanton disregard for ethics, it is logical to assume that if not yet started, that the next thing one will hear is this same vendor is supplying the Council with office supplies and stationery.
What next?

Yours sincerely,
Nadine Jerrick

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