Dear Editor,
If the city were indeed running on a shoestring budget, why did they take a large entourage on a junket to the town of Linden recently to celebrate the official launch of the Linden Town Week 2018, costing the city a substantial sum? Would it not have been enough for this ‘poor’ city to have been represented by the Mayor alone? But no, the bigwigs at City Hall never miss an opportunity to fete.
Why would a city on a shoestring budget embark on luxury retreats at expensive resorts around the country? This money could have offset the wages of scores of sanitation workers.
Then in describing the City’s purported financial woes, it was suggested that they should look at new revenue earning avenues, since they are unable to undertake revaluation of properties in the city. Are these people for real? How could they have given away hundreds of millions of dollars in interest waivers and write offs, unlawfully I might add, as proper legal authority was never sought nor granted in many instances for this, and then turn around and place more financial burden on law-abiding tax paying citizens by increasing their property values?
But how did the Council’s administration which employed close to 200 new persons, many who are the kith and kin of senior officials at City Hall in the last two and a half years, not know that this would have been unsustainable? One can only hope that as they retrench, they do it in a last in first out basis rather than targeting the loyal hard-working staffers that have been committed to the municipality for decades.
But instead of just cutting costs by laying off workers, why is there no suggestion to lay off the contractors that are costing the city tens of millions per month, but which was not alluded to. And I am not referring to the garbage contractors that are providing a critical service, but those whom have obtained weeding and cleaning contracts without adherence to tender procedures.
But if the Mayor and Town Clerk are serious about cost cutting, why don’t they stop jaunting around the world on those frequent useless, unnecessary luxury overseas trips and why don’t they shed themselves of all of the superfluity such as sports utility vehicles, bodyguards, chauffeurs, static security at their residences, assistants, messengers, and other large amounts of office and support staff.
Melissa Chiu