Shooting outside auto company: Manslaughter charge recommended for security guard
Dead: Jared Jagnandan
The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has recommended a manslaughter charge for the security guard implicated in the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Jared Jagnandan at Shaf Auto Sales in Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, on March 21.
This recommendation follows the recent submission of the investigation file to the DPP after additional inquiries were conducted.
On May 21, Jared’s parents, Avalon and Reshma Jagnandan, voiced their frustration with the handling of the case by the Guyana Police Force in a public statement. Jared, a sales and marketing representative residing in Martyrs’ Ville, ECD, was shot and killed at his workplace.
The security guard involved in the shooting was employed by the auto company and was subsequently arrested following the incident.
According to the police report, the owner of Shaf Auto Sales stated that he and his wife returned to the store around 11:10h on the day in question after completing some business errands. They claimed that they found the suspect and Jared seated near the security officer’s desk and shortly after, they heard a loud bang from the store. Rushing out of his office, the businessman said he discovered Jared lying motionless on the floor, bleeding.
The security guard later informed them that Jared had been shot. He was taken to a private city hospital and succumbed to his injuries. His parents have since been advocating for a comprehensive investigation to seek justice for their son. (G9)