A shortage in a number of essential health-care items along with other issues have been reported at Muritaro, Region 10 (Upper Demerara- Berbice), following a recent visit by Regional Councillors. Councillor Gordon Callender, who was recently a part of a visit to the community’s health post, highlighted that there is a shortage of essential items.
Additionally, the Councillor noted that the lone female staff, who is presently
manning the facility, appears to be inefficient at taking on the task. Callender emphasised that it was also discovered that a transferred staff is still signing for items at the health post.
“We were made to understand that the lady who is being transferred from that place, to some Christianburg area (Wismar, Linden), that’s the lady still signing for things up Muritaro. That is not sounding nice. You’re not working there anymore and you should not be signing, that’s why we’re finding ourselves with reports that people doing this and that,” the Councillor stressed.
He, along with other Councillors and Regional Chairman Renis Morian have therefore requested a report from the Public Health Ministry on all health centres within the region, which he noted should include the strength of the various staff in manning the various health posts. “That one lady alone (at Muritaro), it is not looking nice to the region, so we need to rectify this,” Callendar said.
Meanwhile, the Regional Chairman has also indicated that the strength of the health posts are being sought in an effort to highlight where there are vacancies so that the positions can be filled, as he also highlighted the issue of drug shortages.
“Another issue I want to raise is once you have drug shortages, we don’t want this thing to be put under a bushel… once there is a drug shortage, talk to me,” Morian said.
“We will call the Minister and we can deal with that, but we don’t want patients crying out… If there is a drugs [lack of pharmaceuticals] problem, report it immediately. I’m going to hold the health administration accountable for drugs in this region… at the end of the day, we got to make certain that our people get the kind of drugs (necessary),” he continued.
The Region 10 administration has been battling with several issues at various health posts for a number of years, more so in far flung areas of the Upper Berbice region.