Shotguns, ganja found in abandoned house along Berbice River

The house that was searched

Two shotguns along with a quantity of ganja and other items were discovered during a seven-hour intelligence-led operation at Ebini, Upper Berbice River on Thursday.
Based on the reports received, police ranks travelled to the area where they observed two men in separate boats acting suspiciously. Upon seeing the police, the two men reportedly jumped out of their boats, ran into a yard, and escaped in the thick vegetation behind a wooden structure along the East Bank of the Berbice River.

The dried ganja found at the scene

However, a search was conducted in and around the house during which a quantity of cannabis, two 12-gauge shotguns with their serial numbers filed off, one 40HP Yamaha Outboard Engine, a 2HP Yamaha Outboard Engine, one Samsung cellphone, and several pieces of camouflage clothing were discovered.

The two 12-gauge shotguns

The items were confiscated and taken to the Mackenzie Police Station where they were lodged as evidence. Investigation into the incident is underway.