…extremist strategy?
Your Eyewitness returns to that upcoming heavyweight bout in August, between the incumbent Chairman of the PNC, in the red corner, Basil Williams; and in the green corner, his erstwhile challenger, Joseph Harmon. Since this is such a highly anticipated bout between two bruisers who weren’t around during the 60s “disturbances”, let’s see what they bring to the hustings.
We can do worse that begin with Basil Williams. Pedestrian at best as a lawyer, Williams unfortunately doesn’t know he “doesn’t know” and so keeps on going when others would’ve already thrown in the towel! There were trenchant criticisms from the PNC when Nandlall was made Attorney General by the PPP. Said it was bucking Guyanese tradition which insisted that position be filled by someone senior at the bar. But c’mon now…can Williams even hold a candle to Nandlall??
So what exactly is Williams’ claim to the PNC’s chair being used as a stepping stone to “Leader” and then “President”?? Well, he’s been around for a long time…around the PNC that is, starting all the way back to being one of the water boys to Burnham (“Personal Assistant”) back in 1983, fresh out of law school. But cockroaches have been around even before the dinosaurs, much less humans! The question is: have they – like Williams – evolved?? It doesn’t appear so.
But looks like Williams intends to imitate Burnham in at least one respect – to signal a violent response by the PNC ground forces against the Opposition and their supporters. Just listen to his charge to the PNC’s General Council: ‘Stand up for the PNCR and defend it!!” Burnham would use what’s been called “esoteric” language known to the followers, creating a climate of threat to their security and to which they had to respond violently. During the sixties rallies – segued – into riots against the PPP Government, his speeches were punctuated with references to “violence”.
Williams was there for “the boys in Buxton” during the PNC-precipitated “Decade of Death” – and was even said to have cavorted with them on the “line top”. He eventually got one of them, “Biscuit” freed from charges related to several massacres – including that of Sash Shah. Most infamously, he was on the other side of the line with Winston Felix, gyaaffing about the Agricola massacre, to throw the PPP Administration “’off scent”. Right Bannuh??
More recently, he demonstrated another qualification for PNC leadership when he told Justice Holder – in court!! – “I could say what I want to say and when I want to say it, I have always been like that.” No reprimand followed, even though the Judge called the outburst: “despicable”!!
That, obviously, was just the Judge’s “perception”!!
…AFC’s ganja outrage
We live in a crazy world, don’t we, dear reader? After three years in office – having taken the PNC over the winning tape – the AFC’s suddenly “outraged” that a three-year sentence was handed down at the possession of eight grams of ganja!! Was the law suddenly changed?? No…the release acknowledged the Magistrate had to follow sentencing guidelines under the law.
Is this possession of small quantities of ganja being a criminal offence, a new matter? Hardly!! The Rasta community’s been bringing it up every opportunity they can: it’s used in their SACRAMENTS!! Then the AFC NEGOTIATED and RECEIVED the Public Security Ministry (MPS) in the new Government. The MPS enforces what the law deems to be illegal. So how come Ramjattan, Public Security Minister, hasn’t been in the forefront to have the law changed so the Police could quit harassing folks just taking a spliff?
And then there’s the man who would be PM (he sure ain’t one NOW!!) Nagamootoo.
He thinks folks don’t know about the “use and abuse” of ganja??!!
…more graft
After years of milling around and wringing their hands, City Hall seems to have reeled in the EU to provide $400 million to repair City Hall.
Now they can RUB their hands in glee!! Mo’ money!! Mo’ money! Mo’ money!!