Silvertown residents turn to self-help to alleviate flood woes

Residents of Silvertown, Wismar, Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) have resorted to self-help to assist in alleviating the woes of flooding in their community.
As a result of the current inclement weather, the area has suffered several days of flooding.
Residents have indicated that the situation had been worsened owing to clogged drains.

Residents of Silvertown, Wismar, Linden, Region 10 involved in self-help activities as they clean their community to avoid flood woes

As such, they have formed themselves into an organised community group, which is involved in the cleaning and clearing of blocked drains throughout Silvertown.
The residents said the Community Development Council (CDC) has not done enough to alleviate the flood situation. More than 15 residents are involved in the daily activities, which commenced a few weeks ago.
According to resident Kwesi Parks, who is actively involved in the self-help project, the community which is known to suffer tremendously as a result of floods has been adversely affected recently, hence the move to conduct the self-help campaign.

Residents of Silvertown, Wismar, Linden, Region 10 involved in self-help activities as they clean their community to avoid flood woes

He noted that the aim was to clear all the drains in the entire community, and a significant portion has been completed, mainly along the streets which were the ones most affected. Additionally, he said that the community has reached out to Regional Chairman Deron Adams, who visited and assessed the situation on Monday.
In the meantime, he noted that residents would continue to work to complete cleaning and clearing all areas of the community.