Sixth edition of Fitness Expo set for Sunday at CASH

…Athletes from Guyana, Suriname to battle for supremacy


A look at 2019’s Fitness Expo

Guyana Fitness Games is set to host its 6th Fitness Expo at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH) this Sunday, November 6th. A press release from the organisers states that spectators can look forward to seeing approximately 50 athletes from Guyana and Suriname participate in three action-packed, physically challenging events to attain the title of ‘Fittest’ in the categories of Rx Teams male and female, and Scaled Individuals male and female.
‘Rx’ means doing the movements as prescribed, and if a weight is designated, you’re doing the workout with the specific weight. ‘Scaled’ means modifying the movement or modifying the weight if there is a designated weight for the workout.
The Rx teams will be performing quite a few new synchronised movements, such as double barbell overhead lunges, heavy tandem deadlifts, and partner wall balls. These are in addition to several other synchronised movements.
The organisers also noted that many of the scaled athletes are new to the sport, and while they will be performing the scaled movements, the movements are still very challenging. Some of these movements include heavy front squats, overhead squats, kettlebell box stepovers, and overhead lunges.

The three fitness events in which the athletes would be required to complete are a form of high-intensity interval training. These are strength and conditioning workouts that comprise functional movement performed at a high-intensity level.
There will be spectator games for members of the audience who would like to participate in a few fitness challenges and win prizes.
“If you love sports, you’re a fitness enthusiast, or are interested in getting into fitness, then come out with your family and friends on Sunday 6th November at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall and support these athletes as you get to enjoy the excitement of the competition.”
The sponsors are Lucozade, Icool Water, GTT, Guyoil, TechPro, Trophy Stall, Star Party Rental, Liquid Energy, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, and Genesis Fitness Gym. Admission is $1000, and tickets are available at Genesis Fitness Gym. Fitness Expo starts promptly at 13:00hrs on Sunday.