Skeletal remains found at Takutu for overseas DNA testing
Almost one week after the skeletal remains suspected to be that of 18-year-old John Friday of Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), who went missing in August, were discovered; the Police have confirmed that samples of the remains will have to be sent overseas for DNA testing.
Senior Superintendent of Police, Rabindranauth Budhram when contacted told Guyana Times that unless the remains are confirmed to be those of Friday, the Police cannot institute charges.
Missing: John Friday
Although there are reports which suggested that several pieces of clothing of the missing teenager were found at the scene, the Police are yet to make an official confirmation.
Budhram nevertheless confirmed that the Police are in possession of a missing person’s report which stated that the young disappeared.
The senior Police rank explained that an investigation has been launched and family members of the missing young man were contacted and are being questioned. He also stated that several other persons who worked with Friday up to the time of his disappearance will soon be questioned.
Friday was last seen in August after he was accused by his employer of theft. Upon the discovery of the skeletal remains on Monday last at the Takutu River in an area referred to as “Break Away”, his colleagues have reportedly positively identified a pair of trousers and other items belonging to the man that were found at the scene.
After his disappearance, his relatives were of the belief that he went to Brazil to take up residency. It was reported that a worker who found the remains claimed that he was also brutalised by his employers; the same person who accused Friday of stealing.
Guyana Times also understands that the worker was threatened by the said employers, who reportedly said if he is caught stealing, he would end up like his “buddy”.