Dear Editor,
The small loggers of Guyana would like to express their support for the new Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Vickram Bharrat.
The loggers have confidence in Mr. Bharrat’s ability to take the industry out of the doldrums which the former APNU+AFC Government placed it. The former administration has basically bankrupted the forestry sector as the Guyana Forestry Commission is unable to pay staff for the month of July.
Several anti-development policies were implemented by the former Gov. which we are confident the Minister will reverse. There has been a contraction in the sector since the APNU+AFC took office in 2015, exports declined and so foreign revenues; we the small loggers saw a decline in profits. The roads to the hinterland are in a terrible state, huge pot holes which makes it impossible for vehicular travel.
The Forest Producer Association also needs to place a lot of emphasis on the small loggers and not just the upper echelon in the industry. The FPA has neglected the small loggers for some time now. We want this trend to be reversed.
Mr. Editor, the former administration paid no attention to the industry, they talked about the Green Economy, but failed to address the core issues of the logging sector. How they will deal with concessions, roads and other issues.
The New PPP Government has a vison for the sector and with the young and brilliant Minister at the helm of the Natural Resources sector, we are once again confident he will do great things for the forestry sector.
Yours truly,
Jadoopat Chattergoon