Snatching of Speaker’s Mace: Suspended Opposition MPs to lose parliamentary benefits during suspension – AG

The eight A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) who were recently suspended for several sittings over their misconduct last December will not be able to enjoy their various Parliamentary benefits during the period of their suspension.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall, SC

Last week, the National Assembly adopted a report from the Parliamentary Committee of Privileges, which recommended the suspension of Opposition Chief Whip Christopher Jones, Ganesh Mahipaul, Sherod Duncan, Natasha Singh-Lewis, Annette Ferguson, Vinceroy Jordan, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, and Maureen Philadelphia over their conduct in the House on December 29, 2021.
One week later, these eight parliamentarians would soon be receiving their official suspension letters from the Parliament Office.
Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, explained to <<Guyana Times>> that he had dispatched the letters earlier on Wednesday but had to later withdraw them. However, he opted not to divulge the reason behind recalling the letters.
“A letter [of suspension] was sent today (Wednesday) but there was an issue, so the letter was withdrawn [Wednesday] afternoon,” Isaacs stated.
Moreover, the Clerk was unable to say when a new letter would be dispatched to the eight MPs to formally notify them of their suspension, which took effect following the National Assembly’s approval.

Chief Whip Jones, Mahipaul, Duncan and Singh-Lewis have been suspended for four consecutive sittings each over their attempts to disrupt the passage of the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) Bill and ignoring the authority of the Speaker on December 29, 2021.
MPs Ferguson and Jordan are suspended for six consecutive sittings over severe and egregious violations by removing the Parliamentary Mace from its rightful position, not only damaging the object, but also injuring and assaulting a staff of the Parliament Office.
Meanwhile, Sarabo-Halley, who entered the Communication Control Room of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre and destroyed several pieces of audio-visual equipment, is suspended for six sittings.
Additionally, Philadelphia is facing a suspension for six consecutive sittings for verbally assaulting a Parliament staff.
Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall S.C, during this week’s edition of his programme Issues in the News, detailed the consequences of this suspension.
“Suspension carries with it certain consequences. They are not to be paid. So, how many months those four sittings last, they will not be paid; how many months the [six] sittings last, they will not be paid. They will also not participate in any committee business. They will not participate in any business of the National Assembly during the period of that suspension. So, all the trips that they wanted to go on overseas and all the other benefits that would’ve accrued to them as Parliamentarians are also forfeited during the period of the suspension. And that is what happens when you don’t want to obey the law and you don’t want to accept procedures,” the AG contended.

According to Minister Nandlall, this is another demonstration of democracy prevailing in Guyana despite subversive acts by the APNU/AFC Coalition. In fact, he pointed out that this type of conduct would not be acceptable in any Parliament, especially within the Commonwealth, which Guyana is part of.
“Our democracy is working, and it is strong. And despite efforts made to denigrate it, to undermine it and to subvert it in relation to this issue, it has prevailed… I’m very pleased that this sanction was imposed – not because I wanted punitive measures to be imposed on any Parliamentarian, but because I want to preserve and protect the sanctity of the process of Parliament and the sanctity of Parliament as a democratic institution under our constitutional structure. It is that we maintain dignity and we uphold respect for these institutions that are so critical to the democratic process of our country and the society itself,” AG Nandlall posited.
The Privileges Committee Report was adopted with much objection from Coalition Opposition members during last week’s sitting. Moreover, the APNU/AFC has even moved to the court to challenge the decision made by the Committee.
Although both sides of the House had representatives on the Committee, the Opposition Members did not show up at the last three of the five committee meetings. Hence, the other members, including the Chairman, Speaker of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir, went ahead and conclude the report with the recommendations for suspension of the eight Opposition MPs in question.
But this was not before those eight MPs were asked to give reason why they should not face any sanctions. (G8)