So, in the meantime…

…in the PNC camp
Yes, there ain’t no PNC “Bunker” no mo’; it’s now been reconverted into a camp as the brave followers of Burnham – such as they are – under the newly-elected leadership of Aubrey Norton swim against the tide for survival. Remember Hitler and the remnants of his Third Reich as the Russians advanced from the East and the Allies from the West??
Well, with most of the middle-class backers having suffered a stinging defeat at the hands of the street fighter from Linden at Congress, they’re massing their troops for a frontal attack. In 2021, they’d selected Aubrey, but he was just supposed to be a utensil for the real choice from THEIR ranks!!
Activities like imitating the PPP’s commemoration of their 1973 Ballot Box Martyrs by staging one in Linden for the two deaths in 2012 just don’t do anything for the money bags, snooty, middle class. They’re the ones from the AFC wing who’d provoked the Horatio-like stand at the bridge then disappeared, hadn’t they?? They see the PPP continuing its political blitzkrieg along all fronts – economic, political, social, cultural etc. – and have fatalistically assumed that PNC ain’t gonna survive. Note that while they snipe at the supposed “lack of leadership” skills in Norton, they’ve uttered nary a word about their former hand-selected middle-class PNC leader Granger, who hasn’t been seen or heard from since!!
Not surprisingly, there’s much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth – not to mention stentorian lamentations! – about what’s gonna be the fate of the PNC unless they replace the present leader with a more “dignified” consensual leader!! Sadly, they haven’t learnt their lesson from the lesson of the AFC’s dramatic rise and fall: which had emphasized to their erstwhile followers the lesson “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!!” And they ain’t about to be shamed by fancy dan-dan and fruity tones!!
But you’ve got to give it to the new PNC Leader; he’s at least trying to have a go at putting together their Humpty-Dumpty party back again, after its great fall. While he had his problems with Desmond Hoyte, his actions show he’s learnt a lot from him. He who controls the party’s bureaucracy can call the shots, even against hugely popular opponents!!
Just as Hoyte had banished Hamilton Green and the Burnhamites, Aubrey has banished all the middle-class aspirants to the throne, and is remaking the PNC with folks who are totally beholden to him. The old-line PNC elites’ only hope is that the Committee of Elders – who arrogated to themselves the power to judge whether Vanessa Kissoon’s allegations of sexual harassment by Norton – will call the latter out. But Your Eyewitness believes they’ve diddled too long, and the issue has outlived its shelf life.
No one’s interested no mo’, and Norton’s secure.

…on the domestic violence front
Your Eyewitness lifts up his hands to the skies (Heaven?) as he echoes John King: “How many more, Jah?” The opening lyrics go: “Rose up early this morning/To the sounds of crying/Another mother shedding her tears”.
While King was bemoaning the police killing sons, he could as well be singing about all the mothers and other women who were shedding tears every single day with the violence being meted out to them.
Defeat isn’t implicit in the lines, “Heavenly Father, won’t you hear my plea?/Send a helping hand for this country/In man, there’s no solution/(How must we carry this load?). It’s just that the pattern seems to be so deeply imprinted in the men who batter the females in their lives that drastic interventions are necessary. Is it, “Too many big shots with too many connections/ Too many loopholes in Babylon system”?
Maybe bringing back the cat-o-nine tails might work?

…over in Venezuela
In case you forgot, elections over in Mad Maduro’s land are exactly a week away. And the madman’s pre-emptively inciting violence against the Opposition by accusing them of preparing for it!!