The Aracari Resort, Versailles, West Bank Demerara, is definitely the place to be this Saturday for the Westsiderz Entertainment Night Pool and Soca Party, titled “slick and sexy edition”. All plans are in place for the hosting of the event which is expected to be off the hook. 
Patrons are advised to purchase their outfits and come out to have a grand time in the water, while being served drinks. As promised, security will be at its best and there will be lifeguards on site to make sure all in the pool are well taken care of.
The party will be one with a difference and is expected to attract persons from the Westside, the East Bank and Georgetown.
Partyholics are promised a grand evening with the best music by the very best on the West side. Those already hyped and ready for the session are Westsiderz Sound Crew, Deejay Vybe and Deejay Rahaman, who are all known to add flavour and excitement to a party.
In addition to the excitement, the first 50 ladies will get a free cocktail beverage. There will also be drink specials on Red Square Vodka during the event. Tickets cost $1000 and are available at Westsiderz Entertainment and at the venue.