Home Features Social work teaches advocacy, creative solutions thinking outside of the box...
By Lakhram Bhagirat
Social workers are important in creating a balance in society. They are the ones who, head-on, tackle the societal ills and ensure that we have a listening ear. They are the ones who understand our situation and oftentimes lead to solutions.
However, being a social worker is not without challenge. Social workers are oftentimes painted as the bad guy and overworked while being severely underpaid. It is a situation that is not indigenous to Guyana but occurs around the world. 
Social workers, like teachers, give more than we can compensate them for.
The need for social workers and the important role they play in maintaining the balance in society is exactly what keeps Samantha Stanwick practicing.
The 24-year-old holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Guyana and is currently working with the domestic violence survivors at the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Policy Unit of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.
The East Berbice native was raised by her single mother and had her share of challenges. However, she related that she grew up sheltered and it was not until she was a student of the St Aloysius Primary School that she realised that some of her classmates were not afforded the “luxury” of having things as basic as books and socks.
“I was somewhat protected from and ignorant of the extent of certain problems such as poverty. Of course, while growing up there were many luxuries not given to me because my mother could not afford it, but that was very different from what many others were experiencing,” she recounted.
After completing her secondary education at the New Amsterdam Secondary School, Stanwick attended the University of Guyana – Berbice Campus during the years of 2013-2017, where she read for a diploma and subsequently a degree in Social Work.
During that time, she also spent a short period at the New Amsterdam School of Nursing but did not complete her studies there.
In 2018, she continued her studies at the University of Guyana’s Turkeyen Campus in Georgetown where she completed her Master of Social Work degree and graduated in 2019.
It is no secret that Guyana faces a large number of social problems, many of which are interrelated and after completing secondary school, Stanwick was still confused and undecided as to what the next step should be. Given her age at the time and the many challenges in finding employment, especially in Berbice, getting a job did not seem as much of an option.
“It was at this point that my mother suggested that I further my studies in the field of social work. Giving it much thought and consideration, I ended up applying and starting my journey as a social work student. The first two years of my studies were pertinent in sparking my interest in the field. Not only did they help me to overcome personal inhibitions and aided me in developing into the person I am today, but it opened me up to the many possibilities and options available through social work. This propelled me to continuously further my studies in the field, so that I can not only build my own capacity as a social worker, but also use the opportunities presented to bring about positive change in the lives of others,” she said.
For her, the journey has been very satisfying, but also very difficult at times. Nevertheless, each challenge came with its own opportunities to learn, build and grow. While she is still very much introverted, social work has helped her to become more comfortable out of that zone
“Social work on the whole teaches us to be flexible, to work with limited resources, to think outside of the box and to speak out and advocate for others even when they cannot do so for themselves. These traits, while not limited to social work, are very applicable and useful in everyday life.
“While social work has brought much satisfaction and joy to my life, it has not been without its challenges. Despite the great need for social workers in our country, many qualified persons within the field still have a difficult time finding meaningful employment. Social work studies are frowned upon by many and still seen as a last resort for persons who did not perform well in secondary school,” Stanwick related.
The young social worker said that there is a constant challenge of persons not willingly seeking the help of social workers due to preconceived perceptions, so many times, even though assistance can be offered, many are ashamed to come forward and utilise it. Also, many social workers suffer from burn out, are overworked and stressed because of the magnitude of what the job entails.
“I chose social work because it brings a sense of satisfaction and joy to my life knowing that I can make a positive impact in the lives of others. Although at times the job can be very stressful at times, there is a gratifying feeling that comes with helping people, which makes the job worthwhile. Social work is also never boring as each day brings something new. Social workers are guided by a code of ethics. With this comes many responsibilities. Social workers are obligated to be confidential, maintain a non-judgemental attitude, control their emotional involvement when doing their job, amongst other things,” Stanwick explained.
Social workers also practice in many areas and on many levels, working with individuals, families, communities, and even participate in policymaking. Social workers also find themselves in many sectors, including health and education. With the many social problems faced in Guyana currently, such as drug abuse, domestic violence, high school dropouts, teenage pregnancy, suicide, etc there is a great need for more social work practitioners to work together in an attempt to bring down the high rates of these issues.
“In the near future, I would hope to see more research being conducted in Guyana, and more preventative work being taken to reduce the high rates of these social problems that exist within our country. I would encourage those that are interested in the social work profession to take that first step to become qualified. The great thing about social work education is that is in addition to the theoretical part it has a practical component. This gives you an opportunity to actually experience some of what it feels like to be in the profession.
There are many aspects to social work, and a wide range of areas to practice in. I would also encourage young persons to consider their options and have an idea of which area they would be best suited for.”