The Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) has detained a Venezuelan-registered aircraft which landed at the Eugene F Correia International Airport at Ogle on Sunday.
Information reaching Guyana Times indicate that airport authorities were instructed
by SOCU not to allow the aircraft — a Beech Baron 55 bearing registration YV 2377 — to leave the country.
The aircraft was grounded as SOCU tried to ascertain the purpose of the aircraft’s landing on Guyana soil. Attempts to get the head of the SOC a comment proved futile.
Back in July, the pilots and at least seven passengers were taken into custody after they landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport with a Venezuelan registered aircraft.
In that incident, it was reported that the group of people were invited to Guyana by Michael Brassington. It was believed that the aircraft carried the same registration number as another aircraft, but after investigations, the plane was released as well as the pilots and passengers.