The Special Organised Crime Unit’s (SOCU) prosecutor was a no-show in court on Monday when the Pradoville land sale case was called at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
People’s Progressive Party Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali, is before the court as a result of trumped-up political motivated charges for allegedly selling State lands under market value, was present in court with his lawyers when the matter was called. After the prosecutor failed to make an appearance, Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan adjourned the case to September 27, 2019. Ali’s lawyers informed the Chief Magistrate that they intend to file proceedings in the full court for a stay in the matter.
High Court Judge Dawn Gregory, on Friday last did not grant a stay order.
Ali is facing 19 charges in relation to the sale of land in the ‘Pradoville 2’ Housing Scheme between 2010-2015. He was serving as Housing Minister during the time.