Home Letters Some irresponsible attorneys may have contributed to present election impasse
Dear Editor,
It is troubling and worrisome as to what is happening in the dear land of Guyana, regarding the incomplete election process, COVID-19 repercussions, the escalating crime situation, the economic stagnation, the unlimited health problems, unemployment and starvation and other political and social depravities. In addition, there is great concern also pertaining to the breakdown of law and order in the country. We are sadly privileged to witness many partisan and prejudiced actions or inactions being played out in the streets without corrective measures applied by the relevant authorities.
Many illegal demonstrations and gatherings are privy by one political party in the presence of the security force and the law is not enforced by the protectors of this country. Such favours will not be accommodated to other stakeholders. COVID-19 restrictions prohibit these activities and they pose dual dangers, health and physical, to the rest of the nation.
It is heartening to note that the Bar Council of the Guyana Bar Association said, “The Bar Association once again condemns the recent inflammatory, malicious and racially charged statements, made over the past two days, through various forms of media, targeted again at the Court of Appeal in yet another pending election matter.” Further, it is commendable that the Bar Council also said, “For the third time this month, we are moved to once again speak, as we have previously done condemning attacks on the judiciary, attorneys-at-law and generally, persons in the lawful exercise of their profession and duties.”
While this speaks well of the Guyana Bar Association, the peace-loving Guyanese wish that they would not apply the brakes there but, venture further and also review their members who are guilty of possible disciplinary action pertaining to the flagrant disregard for questionable professional code of ethics. The grass-root opinion from the man in the street feels that, in a limited layman’s terms, the oversight, disregard, delay or refusal to take any visible or verbal action that would reflect condemnation and not condonation of such attitude, behaviour and duty of some of the irresponsible attorneys, may have possibly contributed to the election process being dragged out at a snail’s pace.
The gross speculation is food for thought whether this is directly or indirectly a deliberate incident or, simply a coincident and whether consideration is meritorious. But, the loud sound of silence speaks volumes and can persuade an influence that may negate areas of doubts, confusion and ignorance. Again, there is no insinuation for accusation in any shape or form but, the perpetual frivolous and vexatious litigations presented by only one set of Councils over the very repetitive issues with similar results do raise eyebrows and frustrate the patience of the public. Of course, the legal luminaries from the Bar Association would be the better judges for this assumption and their point of view will be well respected and accepted. Any clarification and or guidance would certainly be most welcome from the learned Bar Council.
The other sore point is the transparent lies and deceits that are fed and foisted to the public and tongue twisted at the highest level to misrepresent facts and disguised for the convenience of probable illegitimate and illegal activities by certain councils. This has been almost a daily and disgusting practice for too long and Guyanese feel the Bar Association should publicly denounce this exercise and disassociate itself. This is highly unprincipled and does not represent the teachings and expectations of the Bar Council in no uncertain terms. This is of great concern and a dangerous precedent is allowed to become a norm.
Editor, Guyanese still remain in the dark and are unaware of what goes on behind the scenes inside closed doors. That is why many things come as a surprise and they are ill-equipped and unprepared to handle many issues and circumstances and are not properly advised and/or lack the necessary knowledge in many situations.
Jai Lall