Dillon Frank called “Buggas” and “Rasta Man”, a 28-year-old of South Sophia, Greater Georgetown, was on Monday arraigned for the murder of Mark Hilliman, a father of two and a labourer.
Frank appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before Chief Magistrate (ag) Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus, who read the indictable charge to him.
The accused was not required to enter a plea and was remanded to prison.
The case has been adjourned until November 21.
Frank was represented by attorney Patrice Henry.
Reports are that Hilliman, 25, of La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara (WBD), was stabbed at about 22:00h on October 7, at Longden and Croal Streets, Georgetown.
Murder accused: Dillon Frank
According to the Police, investigations have revealed that the victim’s 28-year-old reputed wife, who is employed at a fast-food outlet on Water Street, was on duty when Frank, who is not known to her, went into the establishment and was interfering with her.
During the said time, Hilliman went into the fast-food outlet to visit his reputed wife, and after he observed what was happening, he told Frank to desist from “interfering” with his partner.
As a result, a heated argument occurred between them. They were both armed with knives.
They then left the fast-food outlet, heading east between Longden and Croal Streets, and Frank reportedly stabbed the victim in his left side chest with the knife.
Police said that Hilliman walked a short distance and fell to the ground, while Frank made good his escape on foot in a southern direction with the knife.
The injured man was picked up by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Frank was subsequently arrested for the fatal stabbing on October 12. (G1)