Speeding motorcyclist hospitalised after colliding with tractor

A 23-year-old motorcyclist is now hospitalised at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after he collided with a tractor along the Hague Back Access Road, West Coast Demerara (WCD), on Friday.
The injured man is Surendra Jeewan of Hague Back, WCD. Based on reports received, the tractor, driven by a 58-year-old man of Vreed-en-Hoop, was proceeding along the western side of the Hague Access Road without a right-side front light.
The driver, upon seeing the motorcycle which was proceeding in the opposite direction at a fast rate of speed, stopped the tractor in the corner to allow passage but instead, Jeewan collided with the right front wheel of the tractor.
As a result of the collision, the motorcycle along the motorcyclist fell onto the roadway where he received injuries to his body.
He was picked up in a conscious condition and taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was treated for internal injuries. He was later transferred to GPHC in a stable condition.
A breathalyser test was conducted on the tractor driver but there were no signs of alcohol in his system. Investigations are continuing.