What can you say about the latest twist in the road the PNC’s been hacking through the field of elections’ rigging? Well, for one, that it’s taken us back in a full circle to the CCJ? That was kinda inevitable when you come to think of it, since Granger has always been careful to cover his crimes against democracy with fig leaves plucked and twisted from some law or other — including and especially the Constitution, in which he’s never tired of insisting he’s upholding!!
But after a year and a half of his mealy-mouthed, forked-tongued excretions, Granger ain’t fooling nobody. The PNC acolytes and minions, of course, don’t count; they live in an echo chamber where only Granger’s homilies reverberate. A couple of weeks ago, one Bajan diplomat revealed that he’s referred to by the other CariCom leaders as the “Sanctimonious Gangster”!! If you had any doubts about the moniker, it means you didn’t hear the straight-shooting PM of Barbados and Chair of CariCom, Mia Mottley, give her take on Granger’s latest twist yesterday.
“Gamesmanship”, she called it.
“Regrettably we have seen a level of gamesmanship that has left much to be desired, and has definitely not portrayed our Caribbean region in the best light. This is definitely NOT our finest hour, and we MUST NOT shy away from that reality.”
Notice, unlike the last time she weighed in and alluded to “forces” that may’ve been working to torpedo Granger’s offer to settle matters through a recount, this time it’s clear the scales have been removed from her eyes. The Mottleys didn’t raise no fool for a daughter!!
The “gamesmanship”, as we pointed out, has taken us back to the CCJ on the appeal by the Opposition Parties from the amazing judgement by the Court of Appeal on the recount. After labouring like a mountain, the latter produced a mouse by declaring that only “more valid votes cast” can be counted to elect a president!! Well, duh!! Have they been using INVALID votes up to now??
The point, of course, is what exactly constitutes a “valid” vote, and who’s to be the judge?? Everyone, including Mia Mottley, thought the recount was supposed to answer that question, and she exasperatedly said that was the reason her CariCom Observer Team had risked possible death by returning for the said recount! In fact, every Statement of Recount and the 10 Certificates of Recount had boldly stated the numbers of VALID votes for each list!
That, the Chair had declared, was what she wanted.
And this is what the CCJ’s going to tell Granger. Hopefully, unlike the last time, by spelling it in small words!!
…already split hairs
The PNC’s legal brain trust – led by Basil Williams, even though that produces an oxymoron!! – before the Opposition’s move to the CCJ, insisted the latter doesn’t have jurisdiction to hear THIS appeal from the CoA. The AG, who’s lost more cases than any other AGs in the HISTORY of Guyana – but was made SC by Granger! – pointed to Art 177(4) which states, “…any DECISION of (the Appellate) Court under this paragraph shall be final.”
But even though he cited the CCJ Act (2004) which made the CCJ our Apex Court, he cited Sec 4 (3) to support his claim: “Nothing in this Act shall confer jurisdiction on the (CCJ) Court to hear matters in relation to any decision of the Court of Appeal which at the time of entry into force of this Act was declared to be final by any law.”
But if Basil had read on to Sec 26, he would’ve seen that “all laws, including the Constitution” was considered “modified” to be in conformity with the CCJ Act (2004)!!
But it’s just “gamesmanship” for the PNC, isn’t it??
…the Constitution and ROPA
Following the CoA ruling on “more valid votes cast”, Lowenfield produced his report, giving “victory” to the PNC.
But if the CEO can determine “valid and credible votes”, what’s the need for elections petitions?