Sporting associations urged to submit 2019 programmes
In the recent past, sporting associations have lamented their not being able to acquire funds from the Government in order to participate in, or host, regional and international tournaments.
They now have opportunity to acquire funds, since Director of Sport, Christopher Jones, has made an urgent call for all organisations to submit their proposals for the 2019 budget.
Director of Sport, Christopher Jones
Speaking briefly on this issue, which has caused several sporting associations to claim that they have had to secure their own funding when they wished to participate in international engagements, Director of Sport, Christopher Jones, has made a bold call on the leaders of associations which have not yet submitted budget proposals to hasten the submission of their budgets.
“We have requested information from the boxing association as well as (from) several other sports associations and federations as it relates to their 2019 programmes,” Jones disclosed.
Once approved, the National Sport Budget would be able to cover all, or most, of the cost, instead of associations having to bear them alone.
“Once those associations (with budget proposals outstanding) would have submitted that information before the stipulated deadline, those associations will be seeing significant funding being provided to them, whether it be for regional or international tournaments,” Jones disclosed.
In the same light, President of the Guyana Boxing Association, Steve Ninvalle, noted that he has already submitted his association’s agenda, and has encouraged other associations to do so as well.
“The Guyana Boxing Association has already sent in its budget. Some information was requested from us relating to some of the major tournaments that we would have liked to participate in in 2019. So we have beat the deadline,” Ninvalle said.
Earlier this year, two sporting associations had made calls for the Government to support them financially when they were ready to travel. However, it was later disclosed that those associations had not submitted their 2018 plans.
This year’s deadline for the submission of their programmes to the National Sports Commission is Monday, August 20 (tomorrow).