As the Ministry of Public Health celebrates national rehab week it is looking to increase awareness of its sports

clinic facility at Castellani House and also to encourage sportsmen and women to utilise the facility.
In an invited comment about the annual rehab week, Physiotherapist Beverly Nelson who has been involved in the event since its beginning, 13 years ago, said the entity’s aim is to raise awareness and also give awareness about the individuals who provide the services at the clinic.
This year’s occasion is presented under the theme, ‘Celebrating and Reconnecting Rehabilitation Services,’ according to Nelson. The week-long activities to observe rehab week started on Sunday June 19 and will conclude today.
However, Nelson who is a prominent figure at the institution said she is encouraging all athletes including the special ones to make use of the facility which opens every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 15:00 Hrs and is supervised by a specialist doctor on both days.
The clinic, which reopened less than a year ago also provides several services under its umbrella; Physiotherapy services, occupational therapy services, speech and language therapy, audiology service, Open door centre, Cheshire Home and the sports clinic.
Nelson also informed that since the reopening of the clinic, the response has been good.
In addition, as part of its rehab week commemoration, the entity has included Guyana Blind Cricket team into its weekly programme. The team went through several exercises under the watchful eyes of the staff of the clinic.
Ganesh Singh, a senior member of the blind cricket team which is preparing for a Regional West Indies Cricket Council tournament, set to begin in Trinidad and Tobago on July 9, said it is a privilege to utilize the facility because the players of the team neither the association cannot afford their own gym and training facility.
The facility is located at Castellani House Homestretch Avenue and all are invited to utilize the area at no cost.