As the second week of school kicks into motion, so do sporting activities. The Christmas term, popularly known by students as the “sports” term, is for many, the most exciting time of the year.
Now, I will confess, that I can’t claim to be athletic, however, that doesn’t make it impossible to enjoy the sport environment. For six years, I have done the “bare minimum” in terms of sports: standard trials, March past, that kind of thing. And, if my house was shy of athletes, as it often was, I ran a race or two.
However, this doesn’t mean I didn’t participate fully. If I wasn’t organising younger students, I was handing our runners water or glucose, or I was helping to design marching outfits. I say this to make a point: every year, without exception, I see many students who say that because they aren’t athletic it makes no sense for them to participate in any way. They don’t come to school during the time, and they don’t even come on sports day itself. This, to me, is a shame.
The “sports term” is the time where I make some of my best memories. It provides us with a chance to interact with people who we might never have spoken to had it not been for our houses. It is in my opinion, a vital part of the high school experience. Yes, we may complain that marching in the sun was exhausting, or that because there was no one else you were forced to run 800 metres; I believe these are the things we’ll remember. We’ll share our communal “suffering” years from now, and recall with smiles on our faces how “that one teacher used to cheat”, or how a particular house was notorious for bringing last. If you don’t believe me, think about every time you meet an alumnus of your school. What’s the first thing they ask? In my experience, it’s always been “What house are you in?” Quickly followed by, “Back in my day, MY house was the best”.
Of course, there isn’t one standard way everyone should experience high school, but don’t write it off until you try it. I find that some students make up their minds before even giving something a chance. Don’t miss out on what could be the best times of your school life just because you didn’t believe that it would be enjoyable.