2nd doses Sputnik V have landed, available from today – Minister Anthony

The second dose of the Sputnik V vaccines have finally arrived in Guyana, and the Health Ministry will commence distribution of the jabs today.
Owing to the COVID-19 variants in many countries, spikes of the virus resulted in a shortage of the Russian-manufactured Sputnik V shots. Since May, Government had announced a delay in shipments to Guyana, as 182,000 second doses from its purchase were outstanding.

Health Minister, Dr Frank Anthony

Health Minister, Dr Frank Anthony announced on Monday that Guyana is finally in receipt of second doses following the delivery of a consignment. Another batch is slated to arrive next week.
“We have now been able to get second dose Sputnik V into the country and as of tomorrow [today], we’ll start administering the second dose of the Sputnik V. You would also recall that we have given people a time period, that is between four weeks to 12 weeks when you can come and get the second dose of the vaccine. If you wait for that 12-week period, the longer you wait, the better you will get the durability of your immune response,” the Minister said in the COVID-19 update.
The Sputnik V vaccines are taken within a four-to-12-week interval. The Minister outlined that those persons closer to the 90-day deadline are being prioritised, followed by others in waiting. He assured that every person would receive their last vaccine before this timeline expires.
“With the second dose that we now have, we would like to give it to the persons who would have received their first dose in April. They’re now coming closer to that 90-day period and we want them to get first preference. We’re now getting in these second doses so we have a set that came in and next week, we’re going to get a next set. Everyone who would have received their first dose of the Sputnik V will get their second dose but I want to plead with the general public to allow those who would have received their vaccines in April to get their second dose now.”
Government had first ordered 400,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine – 200,000 first doses and 200,000 second doses. From that, Guyana has already received the 200,000 first doses as well as 61,000 of the second doses.
The country then placed a second order for 86,000 doses, comprising of 43,000 first doses and 43,000 second doses. However, while all of the first doses from this second order were received, none of the second doses were delivered.
The AstraZeneca and Sinopharm vaccines are still being used in the immunisation campaign. While a person can request a specific vaccine, he noted that the Sinopharm shots are not recommended for persons 60 years and older, having considered its lower efficacy when compared to other jabs.
“People would have varying preferences and so depending on their preferences, we’re able to give them. The only caveat we’re able to give them is that some of the vaccines, there’re specific age groups that can receive them so for instance with the Sinopharm vaccines, the manufacturers have advised use that persons 60 years and over should not receive the Sinopharm vaccine because they’re not as effective. That is why we administer it to people 60 years and below,” Dr Anthony shared.
As of present, 239,453 persons or 49.2 per cent of the adult population have taken their first doses. Some 120,068 or 24.7 per cent have already returned for their second shot. (G12)