Stalling actions of the defence in the Election Fraud Case

Dear Editor,
They said there would be no trial, it was publicly announced by The Opposition that there would be no trial of anyone for the blatant acts of rigging in The March 2020 Election. Further, they were bold to assert that even if there was a trial, there would be no punishment for those accused of rigging the election. Pretty strong words I would say by the seasoned criminals, these were the sentiments expressly enunciated by their supporters.
The PNC was full of it, in that, they had full confidence in their “ironclad institution” of rigging, it was their mistaken belief that it was so formidably established that no one would dare challenge it in a court of law, or anywhere else for that matter. Well, those haughty ideals were quickly dispelled when first, there was a commission of inquiry that explicitly found the accused parties, guilty, and now for the trial of the brazen offenders.
Now, that the trial is on its way, there is a shower of delays appearing on the horizon, just to mention some of these inexplicable acts facilitated by this magistrate; giving free rein to the defense team to object to the testimony of the witnesses, while at the same time a magistrate omitting verifiable evidence from her notes. Anyone, even one with half a brain, can judge for themselves what are the intended outcome of Magistrate Daly and the defense in this matter.
What is unfolding before our very eyes, is a clear calculated plan concocted by The Opposition PNC way in advance of the present circumstances, however, those plans were thwarted due to the prompt interception of the PPP/C and its legal team, barring this, The PNC would have had a free pass with their rigging strategies.
Follow me closely, you will recall after Election 2020, Mingo paid scant regard to The SOPs and inserted fraudulent figures of his own. Lowenfield later went on to make a declaration in favour of the PNC-Led Coalition based on those very same figures. After that declaration, there was the call was made for a recount, and that call was met with a political response, it would take 274 days to recount the said votes. This was another delaying tactic which actually meant that there should be no recount. That nonsensical stance was easily shot down and the recount was held. The recount showed verified results that mirrored those found on The SOPs of that election. The PNC was defeated yet again! But The Opposition would not give up.
Now this is a delicate magistrate suddenly falling ill with an undisclosed illness, and one that caused a medical practitioner (Whoever he or she is) to issue a leave of absence for 30 days. This marks the absence of a trial hearing way beyond the time stipulated for this trial to end. So, let me ask a few questions; what is the nature of her illness, is it one of a terminal nature? If so, let this case be adjudicated by some other competent judicial senior, a serious matter such as this, time is of importance and we need this circus to end now!
This brings back the memory of a prominent political figure who, after having bouts of diarrhea, opted for treatment overseas, far away from the prying eyes of his political colleagues. It was sort of an embarrassing situation for that individual, with all expenses borne by the hapless taxpayer. Now, maybe, just maybe, this might be the experience of the present situation, which in the present scenario the aforementioned option can be explored again.
The point is, if you can’t stand the heat then get out of the kitchen before a more serious ailment comes upon you. Let us face the facts, this case must be tried, I repeat, this fraud case must be tried, and the correct, legal judgment must have arrived at its conclusion, nothing more nothing less. We have waited these four long years and it is high time for a conclusion of this fraud case.

Neil Adams

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