‘Stars on Show’ tape ball tournament to be held on January 1 and 3, 2021
– registration closes on December 30, 2020
By Timothy Jaikarran
Come January 1 and 3, 2021, the National Park Tarmac will be set ablaze when Pure Entertainment presents its ‘Stars on Show’ tape ball tournament.
This event, a 7-a-side, 6-over tape ball tournament, would be a definite thriller, as many players would be exposed to some action after that long break occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coordinator Dexter George
Coordinator of the event, Dexter George, told this publication, “This is actually the third year we are hosting a tournament of this kind. We held the first edition in 2018, (when) we saw the Village Rams winning, and in 2019 we saw the Vnet Vipers taking home the trophy against the Village Rams; so, Village Rams are one of the more consistent teams. Some of the other teams expected are Vnet Vipers, Eccles Allstars (and) Strikers, just to name a few.
“We also have on board sponsors such as Hand in Hand Mutual Insurance Company, Vnet Communications and Banks DIH, among others.”
George says he is eager to see, between Eccles and Village Rams, the rivalry that stemmed from the 2019 edition, in which the Rams chased down 128 in their 6 overs against Eccles, who are reputed to be one of the most dominant tape ball teams in the country.
He noted that the Rams are also currently one of the leading tape ball teams in the country, as they have gone on to win countless trophies.
He is therefore anticipating ‘fire’ from the commencement of the competition, especially since the winning team thereof will pocket $120,000 while the runner-up team will take home $60,000. The man-of-the-match in the final will take home $5000, and the player who scores the fastest 40 of the competition would be awarded $5000.
An added feature of the competition would see a batsman being rewarded with $1000 for every time he is able to hit the SMAASH Me target set up on the ground on the given day.
The tournament will commence promptly at 09:00 hrs, and the registration fee for participation is $10,000. Persons interested in obtaining further information are invited to contact tournament coordinator Dexter George on 671-0458.