…Recovery or disposal?
Too bad the new Government announced they’re disbanding the State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA) forthwith. Maybe they could’ve sicced them on Christopher Jones to recover all that barbershop equipment he had holed up at his house? Can’t you just see Clive Thomas (80?), Tacuma Ogunseye (75?) and Desmond Trotman (78?) tooling up to seize the (allegedly?) purloined barber chairs and air conditioner, and stuff? If you’re wondering why that other member of the SARA fearsome, foursome – Eric Phillips – wasn’t mentioned, it means you forgot he’d quit when it was pointed out last year that he couldn’t very well investigate the (allegedly) shady sale of some oil blocks, when he’d filed an application for one!!
As it was, the Police had to do the dirty, and all sorts of (PNC) fingers are being pointed at them about the legality of their action. Seems it doesn’t matter that the law says when there’s incontrovertible evidence that you have the loot, the Police don’t need a warrant!! Quite a situation, isn’t it? Here it is, the Police are always catching hell about them not doing their job…and the one time they do…BRAPS! The PNC’s all over them like a cheap suit!!
Now, your Eyewitness doesn’t want to get into all the nuances of the case – that’ll certainly come out in the courts – but from his perspective, the moment he heard that a high-flying DIRECTOR OF SPORTS was able to get a $4.9M GRANT (meaning he doesn’t have to repay anything!) to open up a BARBERSHOP, he knew things na regulah!
But back to SARA. It was launched back in 2017 with great fanfare – not to mention great powers – when the top figures: Director Thomas and his Director Heath-Retemeyer – drawing great salaries – were directed to go after the “billions and billions” Thomas had announced the PPP had “siphoned off” for years. Your Eyewitness always had this mental imagine of the PPP “sucking up” assets through a hose leading to the Public Treasury!!
So how much assets have the Fearsome Foursome recovered to date? Zilch! Nada!! That’s right!! Now, you might think the fellas were too old and decrepit to actually go out to “recover assets” as mandated, but we were just told they had FORTY EMPLOYEES!! Can you believe that?? Three years, forty employees and HALF a BILLION DOLLARS expended in salaries and you haven’t even recovered (in the words of VP Jagdeo) $100?? Now, something has to be done about this!! A COI?
Thomas was writing his columns for the Stabber; Ogunseye was defending APNU by writing those novellas to the press, and Trotman was at GECOM to back up Alexander on the rigging.
But what were those FORTY employees doing all this tim e??
…and Opposition Leader’s assets
Well, by the time you read this, your Eyewitness won’t be in Phoenix, but Joseph Harmon would have certainly been “elected” the next Opposition Leader. Your Eyewitness has placed “elected” in scare quotes, cause how else can you describe how he got the position? Rigging? Well, come to think of it, Granger did rig the system when he didn’t even send the most senior member of the PNC – Chairwoman Volda Lawrence – to Parliament? And for good measure, he also barred old-line PNCites Aubrey Norton and Basil Williams?? Each of them would’ve eaten up Harmon and spat him out in any fair process where PNC members were voting!! Harmon was unopposed.
So, since Granger, Harmon and a few of those Granger is sending to Parliament – Anette Ferguson and Nicoletter Henry come to mind – are soldiers, can we say there’s been a “military coup” in the PNC?? But who is your Eyewitness to say? It’s a PNC thing!
…and paying legal fees
After seeing the obscenity of those legal fees doled out from the Treasury to “legalise” the PNC rigging, one has to ask, “How many times can a PNC supporter turn his head/And pretend that he just doesn’t see?”