State media being exposed as a political tool

Dear Editor,

Forgive the delayed response, as I was concluding my exams. I refer to the article printed in the Guyana Chronicle (a state newspaper) of 30th April, 2017 under the caption “Corruption Probe Deepens” — which placed a picture of me along with the Registrar of Deeds, followed with a defamatory report that the police have opened another probe into allegations of corruption, and cited an “anonymous source” along with comments from unnamed “top legal sources” which questioned my professional integrity and competence.

This story, carried only by the Guyana Chronicle, comes days after I released publicly information of President Granger’s extravagant spending for the use of private planes (instead of commercial) for international travel to the Bahamas and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

For the sake of clarity, corruption is the use of one’s position of authority for personal gain/benefit other than by means of prescribed terms of service. I held no position of authority at the relevant time, so unless it can be shown by the Guyana Chronicle that the Registrar of Deeds has gained personally from me or my client vis-a-vis the execution of her duty, then the attempt to establish a nexus between me as an attorney-at-law making an application to the Registrar of Deeds as corruption simply exposes the Guyana Chronicle as a political tool besmirching and defaming the character of members of the Opposition who are openly critical of the Government.

This, ironically, coming from the APNU+AFC, which promised a state media which was free from political slant and/or interference.

For the sake of completeness, the application in question on behalf of my client involved the interpretation of the word “undertaking” for the purposes of calculation of a penalty pursuant to the Companies Act, Cap 89:01. My submission was that the word “undertaking”, for the purposes of the Act, ought to mean “trading”, which the company had not done for well over twenty (20) years; and the requested audited financial statements by certified chartered accountants were duly provided, evidencing such.

The Registrar of Deeds proffered a different interpretation, which resulted in a penalty determination; so clarity on the matter was sought from the then Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang, SC CCH, who guided that a penalty ought not to be adduced when a company was not trading, but that the determination and calculation was within the discretion of the Registrar of Deeds.

Having duly advised my clients on the options available to them, my clients instructed the course of action adopted. End of Story!

As a consequence of the Guyana Chronicle’s report, I have instructed my attorney-at-law to institute defamation proceedings forthwith.

Guyanese are not stupid. It’s been two years since the APNU+AFC coalition Administration has taken office, and these incessant, politically directed investigations which lead nowhere, along with claims that the PPP is corrupt, just destroy the Government’s credibility every day and manifestly evince their witch-hunting endeavour.

In addition, the APNU+AFC Administration’s many undelivered promises, incompetent governance, corruption, and lavish spending on themselves, while continuously citing excuses and begging for more time to deliver the nebulous “good life,” means that more and more Guyanese — not just members of the opposition — will continue to voice their disapproval.

The obviousness of the Guyana Chronicle’s march of folly is that it will not be able to besmirch every person who is critical of the Government. If the APNU+AFC Administration and its defenders want to avoid criticism, then the APNU+AFC Administration should just be a better government. Have they ever thought about that idea?

Charles S Ramson,

