Stealing an election would not be tolerated

Dear Editor,
Guyana has a politically motivated and controlled GECOM and with each passing day this concept is being revealed. There is no question in anyone’s mind by now that this is the situation at GECOM, that is, the Chairwoman and the government appointed commissioners, these are the ones pulling the shots. We are well aware of the partisan functions of the government appointed commissioners, however, when you look at the posture taken by The Chairwoman you get the real picture as to where we are headed. The actions of the chairwoman leave a whole lot to be desired.
For starters, all of this confusion could have been settled had she asserted herself as “leader” of the commission. So, let us once again take a look at her actions.
1. The Regional Officer for Region Four gives barefaced, rigging results for the region before the full commission as well as foreign observers. Instead of stepping in and take control of the proceedings she hurriedly runs and hides.
2. Claudette Singh becomes missing in action for many days, only meeting in caucus with former government officials of the incumbent.
3. Claudette Singh resurfaces when a series of court matters brought by the state against the people of this country on election results. The real substance of those lawsuits dealt with the true application of the law as it relates to the “selection” of a leader or an “election” of a leader? The courts, both full court and appellate courts finally ruled that the route of a duly required election results would be the preferred mode to be adopted.
4. Meanwhile, The Chairwoman gives her approval, in court documents, that each ballot box would be recounted to verify the winner.
5. Chairwoman then spends weeks on end discussing the modalities that should govern that recount even visiting the site for the recount.
6. After much discussions the chair finally decided that the recount would take place. Now, one would have thought that we have reached the final homestretch which should bring an end to this whole sordid affair the chairwoman does the unthinkable and makes a 180o . She sends the recount proposal to the former prime minister for his approval.
7. Chairwoman Singh sends proposal to ex-prime minister Moses Nagamootoo for his approval. Now, Nagamootoo in essence should not be presiding over this matter because (a) He is a political candidate on the incumbent’s slate and (b) His decisions would be taken in that partisan political framework. This is exactly what he did by restricting the working hours to the bare minimum as well as imposing a two weeks quarantine “penalty” for foreign observers.
8. Here we see a seemingly “qualified” former judge (someone who should be knowledgeable of the law) seeking the approval of a non-official of the former government for the green light on a recount? This is not an oversight I would say but a blatant disregard for the laws of this country. Claudette Singh by her actions has revealed who she really is, that is, a politically poisoned chairwoman who would do what it takes to undermine, if not derail the entire democratic process as it relates to elections.
Why should a simple recount of ballots take so long to begin far less impeded with all these encumbrances? It begs the question that the chairwoman never wanted a recount in the first place, only making these platitudes to bide time. She fully well knows that in pandemic situations like these that The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) ought to be the one whom she should have consulted? But Claudette Singh who is well entrenched in her deceit, is just playing the political game; the poisoned chalice of this woman is in full display.
Right now we are in no-man’s land with no date set for a recount and all the restrictions it boggles the mind as to whether we will see a recount any time soon. This is outrageous to say the least. I believe that they should be a settling in of selective sanctions, The International Community should institute sanctions, beginning with those at GECOM then moving over to those of the incumbent political cabal. This would be of sobering effect to all concerned, that stealing an election would not be tolerated.

Neil Adams