Dear Editor,
About one year ago, shortly after APNU-AFC lost the no-confidence motion, I discovered that I had in my possession several personal ID cards that had the name Granger on them. These came into my possession as a result of a visit with my father (also known as Rudy Luck) to Granger’s abode when he spent a year (1995-1996) as a Hubert H. Humphrey/ Fulbright Fellow at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, College Park, near Washington DC, USA.
My father believed back then that Granger could become the leader of Guyana, and that he was a fair and reasonable individual with a distinguished military background. I must say I am now disappointed in the behaviour of President Granger. The elections were held back on March 2, 2020, and APNU-AFC and their cronies; namely, Mingo, David, and Lowenfield, have implemented utterly idiotic procedures to delay, create confusion, cheat, and attempt to steal the election in broad daylight.
One also wonders at the composition of this Guyanese Court of Appeal, where the honourable judges would seek to define “votes” as “valid votes”, albeit in a majority decision.
I am also alarmed at the protestations of Dr. David Hinds, who when asked about the decision by the Caribbean Court of Justice, could only think about how to delay the election results further and speak about shared governance.
As I have been living outside of Guyana since 1976, has there ever been a time when the PNC or APNU-AFC was in power that they extended to the main opposition any kind of meaningful shared governance? Also lost to Hinds was the meaning of an election.
I would assume that the people who voted in Guyana did so because they were choosing a party and president of their choice, not for shared governance.
Missing from Hinds’s analysis was any kind of statement regarding the idiocy of “valid votes”, the absurdity of Mingo’s declaration, the video of Lowenfield stating that it was impossible for rigged voting to take place, the fact that Lowenfield had two different results with drastically different numbers and a complete omission as to the indignity of the 115,000 or so votes that he (Lowenfield) unilaterally threw away.
Given the racial make-up of Guyana, one would expect a contest as depicted over the years 1992-2020. The PPP in power from 1992-2015 when, due to presumably the people getting tired of the PPP, they were voted out of office. APNU-AFC took over, and now they have lost the elections. Given the fact that all the compilations look reasonable, one can conclude that if any cheating took place, it did not rise to 15,000 votes.
In fact, 464,563 people voted, or 59% of the total population of 786,615. Indians constitute 40% of this population, or 314,646. Assuming that 35% of the population is below 18 years of age and cannot vote, this results in around 204,520 Indian origin people who can vote.
Note that an additional 20% of Guyana is multiracial, 10% Amerindian, and 30% African origin. Doing a similar analysis would result in 153,390 potential voters of African origin. This offers a perspective of voting in Guyana that I have not seen in any of the online publications.
For the PPP to get 233,336 votes, they would require an additional 28,816 votes from people of mixed, African, or Amerindian heritage. For APNU-AFC to get 217,920, they would require 64,530 votes from people of mixed, Indian, or Amerindian heritage.
These numbers are from Wikipedia. They show that with the recount numbers, APNU-AFC had to obtain more than double the number of votes outside of their traditional ethnic identity, but this is the nature of Guyana. They also show that, over the years, in particular from 1972-1992, how egregious and unfair the electoral process was to Indo-Guyanese to the expressed preference of Afro-Guyanese.
APNU-AFC supporters stand to lose jobs, money, and influence when they leave office. Given the nature of Guyana, these people may have difficulty finding gainful employment, and thus cheating, delaying, and stealing becomes justified to them. Unfortunately, due to the internet and the widespread availability of information, this blatant attempt to steal is now widely known and acknowledged, and even has the stamp of massive disapproval from a unanimous decision by the Caribbean Court of Justice.
I cannot understand how retired Justice Singh can tolerate the arbitrary and capricious actions of CEO Lowenfield. Further, the GECOM ruling states that he merely “advises” the Chairman as to the results of the elections. Not clear to me that the Chairman of GEOCOM has to follow that advice, as that is not explicitly stated. She should simply look to Wikipedia and declare the results using the numbers listed there.
Rudy Luck
Hancock, Michigan