
…oil production
Last month, Britain gave the go-ahead for a massive oil and gas project in the North Sea, and this week Exxon announced that it’ll be plunking down a cool US$60 billion or so to take over Pioneer Natural Resources PXDN – the largest oil and gas producer in the Permian Basin. This would make it the biggest producer in this biggest US basin – spanning West Texas and eastern New Mexico. The process through which the petroleum products are brought up is called “fracking” – trapped underground in compressed layers of shale. To crack open the shale, the companies have drilled tens of thousands of fracking wells, into which water under heavy pressure is sent to free the oil and gas.
As we can expect, in addition to the warnings from scientists and the United Nations, there should be a stop to developing new fossil fuel resources if the world is to avoid catastrophic climate change. This violent process of extraction has its own set of critics, so why is it that a presumably responsible country that has been lecturing us, natives, for centuries to “do the right thing” – along with a presumably responsible mega oil company – America’s largest – is going against the grain??
Well, the answer is very simple – and no, your Eyewitness isn’t gonna go with the herd and say it’s because of greed. One man’s “greed” is another man’s “profits”, and from what even the communist Chinese are telling us, profits are the most powerful motivator in human history! They tried to move out of poverty for decades by following “to each according to his needs; from each according to his ability”, but it didn’t work. Then, lo and behold – as the other book than Mao’s Little Red Book said – within two decades the Chinks are about to overtake the Americans!!
And it’s because of that latter little factoid, that even though Biden’s been cussing out Exxon for making too much profits while prices at the gas pump rise, your Eyewitness predicts that the deal’s gonna pass monopoly muster!! Whatever sentiment Biden feels for the common man = and his car at the gas pump – his rearguard action against the Chinese behemoth’s gonna override all such sentimentality!! No President wants to go down in history as the one on whose watch they became number two – to the non-white Chinese of all people!!
So, your Eyewitness wants all the woke brigade of Guyanese descent, who’s been lecturing us to leave our oil in the ground, to take notice. Most of them actually live in either the UK or US, and as a matter of principle, they should renounce their citizenship and wipe the dust of those benighted countries off their feet!!

…of Opposition credibility
Your Eyewitness continues to be entertained by the factions of the PNC vying to rise to the top of the heap. Sadly, from the goings-on here, Region 11 (Brooklyn subregion) and Washington, there seems to be a lot of political “Jumbie Umbrellas” springing up. But then that’s always the danger with dung heaps, innit??!! Take the “Conference on Guyana” inside the Beltway. As Rodney Dangerfield would respond, “Please!!”
The gathering was overwhelmingly dominated by older folks – well past their fifties and into their eighties. These are the old-line PNCites who jumped ship and are fading out! If the PNC is to have a future, you’d hope the organizers would’ve enticed some youths to come out. Especially in Washington, where a doddering 80-year-old Joe Biden heads the Government and his opponent remains the 77-year-old Trump!! After OUR population’s more than 65% youths!
Couldn’t they find even ONE American youth of Guyanese descent in Washington to show their flag?
What a geriatric bust!

…of “friend’s” word
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries – a very, very PERSONAL friend (wink, wink!!) of the fella who organized the PNC’s Washington Conference – had promised to “remove” Ambassador Lynch two years ago.
Doesn’t look good for him that she even overstayed her term!!