Stray animals on Essequibo Coast roads a burden to drivers
Residents, especially drivers, in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) are complaining of the large number of stray animals roaming the Essequibo Coast public road, especially in the Anna Regina township.
Donkeys roaming the main roadway in Essequibo Coast
Contacted, newly elected Mayor of Anna Regina, Rajendra Prabhulall, said the municipality pound in Anna Regina is presently not functioning, and that will be on the priority list for next year when he takes up his office as Mayor.
Motorcyclists are complaining of the dangers – especially at nights and when it rains – since visibility is low.
Residents complained also that cattle owners are in the habit of letting loose their animals on the public road to graze; and of late, many donkeys are abandoned and left to roam. These residents are also concerned about the carelessness of these animal owners, and are calling for swift action to be taken by the authorities to remove all strays and make the roadway safe. According to taxi drivers, driving in the night is a risk, since the roadways are dark.
“The holiday season is when you get the most work, and if you end up in an accident you, lose everything,” a taxi driver told this publication on Monday.
The Essequibo Coast Tourism Association is also trying to sell the region to visitors, especially those who will be visiting for the holidays; and safety is one of the main concerns. The association is calling for the removal of all strays and making the roadway safe for all. With its many lakes, Amerindian communities and other natural beauties, Essequibo Coast have the potential to be a successful tourist destination, but all stakeholders have to work together to create an environment that will be safe and attractive to tourists.